I make pop culture.

I'm forever a part of pop culture.

I feel like I'm changing pop culture.

Pop culture is like our subconscious.

I'm kind of a pop culture stew, you know.

Pop culture's gotten much more disposable.

Pop culture hales you and wants you to fail.

Pop culture is great, but it can be bad, at times.

I think pop culture has always influenced society.

I was always interested in comedy and pop culture.

I'm a great pop culture lover, and I'm not a snob.

As a comic, I used to know more about pop culture.

I think pop culture would have survived without me!

Marilyn Manson is a mockery of American pop culture.

Pop culture was in art Now, art's in pop culture in me

Pop culture is the scaffold we all carry around with us.

I'm fairly out of the loop when it comes to pop culture.

Black women are so very often stereotyped in pop culture.

We live in an ever-changing global pop culture community.

Chucky become a pandemic part of pop culture, definitely.

If you keep up with pop culture, everybody knows the joke.

I love 'Guitar Hero,' and I think it's a part of pop culture.

My pop culture ended somewhere north of Elvis but not too far.

I've always had an interest in the fashion side of pop culture.

Teens are the target demographic for everything in pop culture.

I can answer anything about any American pop culture song ever.

Hugh Hefner represented pop culture in a way that no else could.

My act's not heavy on pop culture or stories, just lots of jokes.

Like it or not, I am part of the pop culture of films in Hollywood.

Traditionally nerd-based culture is now a big sector of pop culture.

In my parents' generation, rebellion was pop culture. It's not anymore.

I look up to people like Michael Jackson because he set up pop culture.

I've always been pretty ravenous about pop culture, highbrow and lowbrow.

To see how YouTube has become part of pop culture, it's been just amazing.

It's just amazing to do something that's part of a pop culture phenomenon.

Pop culture is a reflection of social change, not a cause of social change.

I love England and I love English culture, particularly English pop culture.

I had been an eyewitness to a truly historic moment in American pop culture.

It's part of our pop culture to give animals human personalities and talents.

There's songs like 'Africa' that just have kind of become part of pop culture.

More students have a better knowledge of pop culture than of the Constitution.

I think 'Spider-man' is a pop culture rock show that was meant to be in arenas.

It's hard to make a lot of pop culture references where there's no pop culture.

I think if education was celebrated in pop culture, we'd live in a better place.

I love pop culture. I love to be inside of it, and step outside and look back in.

I'm a pop victim. I love pop music; I love pop culture. I love Olivia Newton-John.

There's a lot of crossover between comic fans, wrestling fans and pop culture fans.

If pop culture is a pool, it never hurts to dive into the deep end once in a while.

Pop culture does not frequently depict women of color realizing their happy ending.

The relationship between East and West needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture.

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