I'm not a big prop actor.

Writing is the thing that props me up.

Tradition is a prop for social security.

I find my movie props in my neighbors houses.

Remember, your not your props, create the magic.

I spend my money on my props and my creations. I'm an inventor.

In our home we have many movie props from old film productions.

American society loves to prop people up and then take them down.

I am a gay activist and I say that proudly. I voted no on Prop 8.

The externals are simply so many props; everything we need is within us.

Everyone has the gift of laughter inside of them. All the world is a prop.

Now, everyone has their talents, but working with props is not one of mine.

I have to give the SNL crew props - it cannot have been easy to work with me.

I like the prop food so much that I eat it between takes as well as on camera.

I don't like having characters as props. I never want a character to be a prop.

I know that I've overfed myself trying to prop myself up because I'm exhausted.

I told Warren if he mentions Prop. 13 one more time, he has to do 500 push-ups.

Wrestling is a business, it is show business and wrestling championships are props.

Don't bring a prop. It's almost like they were afraid nobody would know who they are.

I've got to give props to my dad. He got me into the UFC and the MMA scene to begin with.

Promoting a stock is like making a movie. You've got to have stars, props, and a good script.

I was ashamed to admit I was hipped to the idea of acting. That's why I started in with the props.

Every prop, every shot, every pearl that rolled across the floor was exactly how I wanted it to be.

You can't act alone. Use the props, the setting, the crew around you, and of course, your fellow actors.

And finding the hat, I always like to find the hat. And then props just dress the set. It's all fabulous.

Standards are declining left and right, and it doesn't matter. It's whatever is necessary to prop up Obama.

Acting is all about big hair and funny props... All the great actors knew it. Olivier knew it, Brando knew it.

I feel like New York built me - it made my mindset really strong. I give props to New York for making that happen.

It bring a tear to my eye to see native New York people give me my props because New York is stubborn and arrogant.

I do like to keep mementos from my work, whether they be photos, the backs of make-up chairs or even props and clothes.

'Mad Fashion' follows the everyday workings of me and my workshop, where we make fashion, costumes, props, and couture!

You gotta give props to Ozzy as the creator of all evil faces. What would we do in photo sessions if it were not for Ozzy?

I've gotten to where my hair is like my onstage prop; I need to hide behind it and throw it around - it's my slo-mo effect.

I don't follow any system. All the laws you can lay down are only so many props to be cast aside when the hour of creation arrives.

We're living in an era where the audience are welcoming content-driven stories, and not just asking to see actresses as glam props.

Science appears but what in truth she is, Not as our glory and our absolute boast, But as a succedaneum, and a prop To our infirmity.

I'm afraid I don't have a very pragmatic or unromantic view of props. I don't imbue them with any great sense of mystery or anything.

I steal props from 'SNL' a great deal. Almost every sketch I'm in, I try to grab something from it, so I have a storage space full of props.

I check all my props, everything. Acting is something I love. I have done it since I was 13 but it had completely taken over my life absolutely.

Society routinely degrades fathers. Men are typically depicted by Hollywood as inadequate and useless beings who are nothing more than comedic props.

I cannot lie: as good as it feels to get my deserved props, the best part of reading social media after I meet folks is reading, 'Mike was a nice guy.'

I love to come in and play with a wig or glasses or clothes. I love using props. I'm from the Peter Sellers school of trying to prepare for the character.

I've never taken an acting lesson in my life, and it's not my chosen profession, so I'm flattered when people say I can do it and give me props for doing it.

We are a breathtakingly alienated people... One of my props is the world's largest underpants. I've had the president of Costa Rica in my underpants with me.

I've done a lot of geeky things in my life, but I think the geekiest of all was my first effort to build props and cosplay, when I was about twelve years-old.

Fat bodies are used comically. I respect Rebel Wilson so much, and Melissa McCarthy. I love them both. But so often, I feel like fat female bodies are used as props.

When I used to do musical theatre, my dad refused to come backstage. He never wanted to see the props up close or the sets up close. He didn't want to see the magic.

I like that totally mixed up kind of eclectic group of personal props and bits of costume and I think the fun of doing that is where I was very lucky with Doctor Who.

Paradoxically, the people and state of Japan living on such moral props were not innocent but had been stained by their own past history of invading other Asian countries.

We have grown up watching women be used as props on a man's journey. It's not our fault that that's what we saw as children. But we need to acknowledge that and do better.

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