'Special 26' was a raw, real film.

Hope is the raw material of losers.

You need raw talent to be successful.

Comedy is ugly. It's honest, it's raw.

I've always been drawn to raw material.

My stage show is raw and unpredictable.

Chicago is a rough city. It made me raw.

Our stock in trade is raw, flailing sex.

I love listening to demos. They're so raw.

I'm drawn to raw material and raw emotions.

Raw lobster tail, freeze dried, is amazing.

I don't eat celery. I eat raw milk, cheeses.

I'm going for something very raw and organic.

Philly gives me that raw edge. We just do us.

All I can say is that 'Raw' is an amazing show.

I'm wide open and raw emotionally to the crowd.

My music is super vulnerable, raw, and intimate.

All of my stuff is raw, it's emotive, it's real.

Food should be raw, just the way God intended it!

I'm a huge WWE fan, 'Monday Night RAW' especially.

I like that raw energy that I get from an audience.

I've had so many cool moments on 'Monday Night Raw.'

I wasn't into jazz so much - I preferred things raw.

There's nothing more raw in life than when you're sick.

Everyone starts from a raw stage at some point of time.

I would love to help guys transition from 'NXT' to 'Raw.'

We came from nothing, from the raw poverty of Trenchtown.

I certainly don't eat raw bison liver on a regular basis.

There's this raw, basic quality people expect in my music.

Fortunately for England, all her imports are raw materials.

It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw.

The most important thing to me is that it's all really raw.

I'm a raw vegan, and I perceive pharmaceuticals to be poison.

'Monday Night Football' is a competitor to 'Monday Night Raw.'

I also try to eat as much raw food and clean food as possible.

We wanted it more live and raw. We didn't want a studio sound.

I'm not conventional. I try to be raw and vulnerable and gross.

A lot of the stuff I am now seeing is edgy, raw kinda material.

I think when you have raw emotion in a song, it makes it great.

There's a fire on 'SmackDown Live' that I don't think 'Raw' has.

The New Deal, in my mind, has become a raw deal for my children.

Olive oil mixed with raw sugar makes for an excellent lip scrub.

When I am on 'Raw' and 'Smackdown,' I try to make the best of it.

In Japanese, sushi does not mean raw fish. It means seasoned rice.

For me, the pinnacle of everything was to be on 'Monday Night Raw.'

Everybody knows you can't have a party on 'Raw' without the bad guy.

A lot of people who like sushi don't really like raw fish or seaweed.

Blanching the cloves removes the harsh and bitter bite of raw garlic.

To me, my brand is luxury, it's art, it's women, it's raw, it's urban.

I would like to restore your right to drink raw milk anytime you like.

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