I do realise how incredibly lucky I am.

Sometimes I frown and I don't realise it.

All history is man's efforts to realise ideals.

To realise our dreams we must decide to wake up.

We did not realise how fragile our civilisation was.

I realise I'm still a child, though I do feel older.

People are much more interesting than people realise.

I'm realising now that I can't just blurt things out.

In 'Insurgent' we realise how large the world really is

Let the world know your dreams, my friend; realise them!

I realise that stress is only fear. I now release all fears

I think people realise that I'm happy with what I've achieved.

Do you not realise that dance is the pure act of metamorphosis?

But people are now realising why I was playing bass with Hendrix.

I didn't realise that Ridley Scott has never won an Academy Award.

I think we are realising that governments can't govern us any more.

I didn't realise those spaces were for the emotionally handicapped.

People do not realise the immense value of utilising spare minutes.

I think realising that you're individual and unique is really amazing.

Do you realise that Eve was the only woman who ever took a man's side?

Don't let life pass you by before you realise that it was worth living.

I do realise that when I laugh, it sounds like a seal is being molested.

Hold on to your dreams, Kiall. They are more important than you realise.

So often people say something and you realise you haven't really heard it.

A few years ago, I fell in love with a man before realising he was married.

When you are young you don't always realise how full of doubts everybody is.

It is through art, and through art only, that we can realise our perfection.

There comes a moment in every person's life when they realise they adore me.

Until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain to deliverance.

Man always is perfect, or he never could become so; but he had to realise it.

We need to realise we are Europeans before we belong to a region or a Nation.

The closer you are to people, the more you realise what has happened to them.

Success, I've come to realise, is fleeting so you shouldn't value it too much.

I think women realise that I love women, and very often women seem to love me.

When someone takes away your pens you realise quite how important education is.

Once you realise that heroes die, everything becomes that much more terrifying.

All of a sudden you realise that you are the person who has control of your life.

The only way to be happy is to realise how much depends on how you look at things

We don't realise how much the world has affected us. We put God in the background.

I tell the truth; listen everyone. Only those who have Loved, will realise the Lord

I always enjoyed movies and in hindsight I realise how captivating they were to me.

When you work with a great director, you realise you are far from being a director.

I'm always having ideas. I'd like to continue being able to realise the ideas I have.

I'm used to realising all my dreams and targets through my determination and ambition.

Do you realise how much trouble you're in?" "Perhaps I'll have some Weetabix after all.

How can you talk about power to the people unless you realise the people is both sexes.

As I've gotten older and learned more, I realise that Hollywood has not told the truth.

I'm beginning to think I have two years encountering sexism without really realising it.

You start realising as you get older that there are some kids who don't know who you are.

I started to realise that being impolite saves an awful lot of time and costs you nothing.

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