I don't read reviews.

I'm used to bad reviews.

Reviews don't bother me.

I often don't read reviews.

I don't like to read reviews.

I don't usually read reviews.

I'm not one to get bad reviews.

I don't generally read reviews.

Mushy reviews are a breach of faith

I don't delve too deep into reviews.

I'm not used to getting good reviews.

I try my hardest not to read reviews.

To review ones store is to mow twice.

I live in the house bad reviews built.

To read is human, to review is divine.

The bad reviews get to me, believe me.

It's my policy not to review funerals.

I get terrible reviews everywhere I go.

Worse than bad reviews is to be ignored.

I don't read my reviews, I measure them.

God gets the easiest performance reviews.

Reviews are destructive by their very nature.

I never read reviews of something I want to see.

I rarely read or buy a book because of a review.

One cannot review a bad book without showing off.

I don't generally do movies that get good reviews.

It's much easier to say negative things in a review.

Sometimes it can be useful to read your bad reviews.

I'm not good at reading reviews and things like that.

If you get a bad review, you take that in your stride.

Nothing ruins your day more than getting a bad review.

When I started acting, I used to read all the reviews.

The worse the reviews, the better for our demographic.

What is a budget review? A personal review with numbers

The only time I'll get good reviews is if I kill myself.

I never read a book I must review; it prejudices you so.

If the reviews hurt they're probably right on some level.

I never read reviews at all. I'm proud of the work I did.

A good, sympathetic review is always a wonderful surprise.

I don't read reviews, good or bad, just for my own sanity.

I've had plenty of negative reviews. I have my entire life.

The best kind of performance review is no performance review

Every time another review comes out I let out a deep breath.

I don't spend sleepless nights over getting very bad reviews.

I don't think it's useful for somebody to argue with reviews.

We got some devastating reviews on Animal House at the start.

Reviews are extremely subjective, but I have respect for them.

When you do comedy, you get impervious to good and bad reviews.

The worst thing is to read bad reviews and go, "Yeah, I agree."

I get a sick joy out of bad reviews. I don't read good reviews.

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