I like Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin's a quitter.

Sarah Gavron is a fantastic director.

Sarah Palin is a compelling political figure.

We all know that Sarah Palin loves attention.

I really enjoy Sarah Silverman's fearlessness.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies on a regular basis.

I love Sarah Jessica Parker. What's not to like?

Put me up against Sarah Silverman and I could take her.

I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.

Tina Fey could run this country before Sarah Palin could!

I'm just kind of in love with Kathy Bates. And Sarah Paulson.

Sarah Silverman makes me laugh out loud every time I see her.

The thought of Sarah Palin as president gives me acid reflux.

Sarah Silverman has always been a huge influence on my comedy.

Dick Wolf was my first boss after coming out of Sarah Lawrence.

I wouldn't put myself on the same pedestal as Sarah Lancashire.

My name is Sarah McBride, and I am a proud transgender American.

Sarah Palin may best serve her country by entering the media fray.

Judge Sarah Frisch is a wonderful woman, and does an excellent job.

I think Sarah Michelle Gellar has done some brilliant work as Buffy.

I do have to give it up for Sarah Palin on one account. She is brave.

I like that lady - Sarah Palin. She's great. I like the cut of her jib.

Sarah Huckabee stands in front of the country and lies every single day.

Women want to get to know Sarah Palin. And they want to meet her family.

I spent well over a year on the road with Sarah Vaughn. That was amazing.

I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Sarah Paulson is mind-blowing. I mean, she always is. She's always fantastic.

I've read all of Sarah Waters's novels which have been translated into Korean.

Growing up my mother played Sarah Vaughan and Nat Cole in the house regularly.

I started with ballet and then my cousin Sarah introduced me to her tap teachers.

I got to work with Sarah Michelle Gellar, and that's the thing that you dream of.

Any party that would put Sarah Palin up on a pedestal will never have my support.

Oscar Wilde: 'Do you mind if I smoke?' Sarah Bernhardt: 'I don't care if you burn.'

One of the things that I love about Sarah Vaughan is that she was always very current.

I thought Sarah Palin was the ultimate expression of comic outrageousness in a person.

It's important for me to get close to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and actually fix her makeup.

I have a dear friend here in Toronto, Sarah Millman, who has helped me a lot as a stylist.

In choosing Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has chosen for the future.

As far as theater goes, Sarah DeLappe's 'The Wolves' is one of my favorite things I've ever seen.

There are certainly some artists in New York that I would love to work with. One is Sarah Michelson.

It was said of old Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, that she never puts dots over her I s, to save ink.

If someone was walking round in a T-shirt with Sarah Lancashire on it, I'd find that very disturbing.

My father was a huge jazz fan, so I remember him playing Duke Ellington, Sarah Vaughn, and Count Basie.

When it comes to politics, it's nice to be mired with Sarah Palin. But I'm Paul Gosar. I'm my own person.

Of all Prince Philip's respected biographers, only Sarah Bradford is adamant that Philip has had affairs.

The topic of Sarah Palin has been open season to the media, entertainment industry, and club comics alike.

Attending a Sarah Palin rally was simultaneously one of the strangest and most chilling events of my life.

I'm wildly different than Maria Bamford or Sarah Silverman, and might be more similar to some male comics.

There's this Frank Wildhorn tune 'Sarah' - it's not a widely known tune, but it's my favorite song to sing.

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