I'm for prayer in schools.

Many more schools can be outstanding.

I want to see more sports in schools.

When schools flourish, all flourishes.

I wish I had more time to visit schools.

We shouldn't need riot police at schools.

No, the czar did not want us in the schools.

We need schools like Doon and Mayo for the poor.

Schools are not exam factories for the rat race.

In this way, some film schools can be destructive.

I am very concerned about junk food in the schools.

Religion is compulsory in English schools, you know.

The Schools ain't what they used to be and never was.

Competition among schools is always a great motivator.

Grammar schools are public schools without the sodomy.

The system decides you can't run schools in the summer.

I'd like to work on putting art programs back in schools.

All schools will end up using game metrics in the future.

The time has come to end social promotion in our schools.

I believe that religious faith schools are highly dubious.

I am an education ambassador, mainly working with schools.

I taught for 17 years in an inner city comprehensive schools.

Technology will eventually destroy the way schools are run now.

Right now many schools have no recess. Most schools have no PE.

We must stop the trend of closing schools and building prisons.

I went to the public schools myself. And they were great for me.

I went to eight different schools my first nine years of school.

I'd like thousands of schools as good as the one I went to, Eton.

The money in the schools overpowers the principles of the purpose.

My message was 'Think African. Make schools read African history.'

I don't think the schools are getting as much money as they should.

Schools should be diverse if we are to get past racial differences.

If confirmed, I will be a strong advocate for great public schools.

Headteachers and governing bodies run schools and that won't change.

Our party's committed to tackling failing schools and cutting crime.

Don't marry a man to reform him - that's what reform schools are for.

I'm clear that we do need to improve what's happening in our schools.

Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend.

What we want is more learning in schools and less activism in schools.

I went to white schools and I didn't know anything about black history.

I wish we could have acted quicker on Detroit or other failing schools.

There are schools for weird children now. There wasn't when I was young.

There have always been card schools at football clubs and always will be.

We need to look for ways to secure our schools, single-point of entrance.

The success of our economy shouldn't determine the success of our schools.

Britain has always had more art schools per capita than any other country.

Before the eighth grade, I probably went to seven or eight different schools.

Good schools underpin not only our economy, but the social fabric of our lives.

Charter schools have a far higher proportion of teachers who are not certified.

I was a fat girl growing up and had to change schools because kids were so mean.

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