No one makes better scrambled eggs than me.

The first meal that I learned to make was scrambled eggs.

My mother made the best scrambled eggs, super-loose and soft.

Scrambled eggs are so simple, but they don't wait or taste better cold!

I don't cook very well at all. I'm the girl that can't make scrambled eggs.

You never know when you might get scrambled to an impromptu press conference.

I like poached eggs, but I'll make scrambled or fried or whatever anybody wants.

My last meal on Earth? The obvious answer is a plate of my mother's scrambled eggs.

Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back in the shell.

Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back into the shell.

But for the time being, I've only learned one cake recipe and how to make scrambled eggs.

I like Hollywood movies. I like them like I like to eat scrambled eggs; I like them for fun.

I cannot cook to save my life - I microwave everything or it's simply scrambled eggs on toast.

Their scrambled attention spans struck me as a metaphor for the way we get our doses of reality these days.

The 19th century became the age of the museum. Objects were scrambled for, specimens seized, and friezes and antiques grasped.

If I'm in a hurry, I will have the South Beach Ricotta Muffins. Some mornings, I'll just have turkey bacon and scrambled eggs.

I like a well-roasted rotisserie chicken and eggs cooked various ways, like sunny-side up or scrambled. It's comfort food for me.

I contend that every woman has the right to feel beautiful, no matter how scrambled her features, or how indifferent her features.

Yes, scrambled eggs are lovely, and I've eaten them, and enjoyed them, and that was OK. Now I don't want to any more, and that's OK too.

I do like my eggs in the morning, if I was trying to be good I'd have a piece of rye bread with a bit of avocado and scrambled egg whites.

To make fluffy scrambled eggs, the best trick is to whisk in a splash of water and nothing else. Cream, milk, and other liquids drag the eggs down!

I pretty much eat at home all the time, so it's either eggs and sausage, scrambled together, throw some cheese on it, or some bell peppers and onions.

We are all victims of the marketing that says cooking is hard and takes too long, but that's simply not true. Scrambled eggs take five minutes to make.

The earliest recollection I have of being in the kitchen and cooking was in the third grade, and we lived in Germany. And I remember cooking scrambled eggs.

Each part of our genome is unique. We would not be alive if there was not a single mathematical solution for our chromosomes. We would just be scrambled goo.

I'm a healthy eater. In the morning, I'll have hot water and lemon, then scrambled eggs. I eat spelt or rye bread, not wheat, and have lots of veg and salad.

I'm always starving in the morning, so I eat a lot for breakfast. It's usually scrambled or poached eggs, bacon, avocado, mushrooms, or sometimes even steak.

When I step into the kitchen in the morning, I go for the scrambled eggs with pine nuts and minced lamb. When I finish at night, it is hard to resist the burger.

I believe everything in moderation. But breakfast is important. I have two hard-boiled or scrambled eggs with whole-wheat toast and try to get some fruit in there.

We always make a hot breakfast for the kids: oatmeal, pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, the whole deal. We like to have that time in the morning together as a family.

I was very, very little - it was the first time I ever cooked on my own, with my mother's supervision - and I made scrambled eggs. I felt so accomplished, like magic!

The sun would come up over the ocean, and we'd be eating scrambled eggs before we shot some stuff. It was a vacation in the sense that it was the best working conditions.

The tempo is the suitcase. If the suitcase is too small, everything is completely wrinkled. If the tempo is too fast, everything becomes so scrambled you can't understand it.

The trick to scrambled eggs is to remove half the milk from the container and shake what's left as hard as you can, like a cocktail shaker, before you whisk it into the eggs.

I missed the birth of my third child through darts. I saw her three times in eight weeks. It was very hard. You head does get a little bit scrambled because you are not there.

Television is a golden goose that lays scrambled eggs; and it is futile and probably fatal to beat it for not laying caviar. Anyway, more people like scrambled eggs than caviar.

I was a fashion assistant. I bought the fabric. I made sure that everything was smooth in the workroom. And I scrambled all over London on the Tube looking for buttons. It was great.

My breakfast consists of two cappuccinos and maybe a toasted English muffin, and that's pretty much it for me unless I decide to go a little more upscale, and then I'll have scrambled eggs.

I get up at 3:30 A. M. We're on air from 6 A. M., so if I'm in the studio, I'll have eggs at around 7 A. M. from the canteen - scrambled or poached, occasionally with a slice of brown toast.

For breakfast, I'll have scrambled eggs or poached egg on toast... and - this is gonna sound weird - I have it with blueberries as well. Everyone says it's weird, but try it - you'll like it.

My thinking was scrambled when Sullivan and I separated. Something happened to me that had never happend before. I couldn't cope. It was heartbreak time. I thought it was the end of the world.

I'm a breakfast type of guy. Don't get me wrong. I can cook, I'm kinda nice on the burner, but I enjoy making breakfast. I do it all... Scrambled eggs... French toast... Pancakes... Breakfast is my thing.

Breakfast is my favorite way to start off the day. This is usually what I order every morning on set: egg whites scrambled with broccoli and a side of well-done turkey bacon. Sometimes I add a bit of feta cheese.

I get up and cook for my kids, who really like my scrambled eggs. Or we make pancakes and the requisite bacon. The kids either play or watch cartoons, and Daddy gets to read the 'New York Times' and do his puzzle.

In a way, NAFTA is like a scrambled egg. How do you unscramble an egg? The value chains are so interwoven that it would be very difficult to do that. But government policies force us to look for ways to unscramble it.

I always have breakfast, say, scrambled egg whites, a vegetable smoothie, or whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk. For lunch and dinner, I eat a lot of fish and vegetables. And throughout the day, I try to stay hydrated.

People do connect me with James Bond simply because I happen to like scrambled eggs and short-sleeved shirts and some of the things that James Bond does, but I certainly haven't got his guts nor his very lively appetites.

Every time a bit of information is erased, we know it doesn't disappear. It goes out into the environment. It may be horribly scrambled and confused, but it never really gets lost. It's just converted into a different form.

Brains don't really smell, but what's amazing about the brain is that it's almost like scrambled eggs or soft tofu, almost like a gel. The brain controls so much of what we do, but you could put your finger right through it.

If I'm alone, I tend to cook for myself. I do a pretty good job of preparing healthful foods. My go-to is everything in a bowl like quinoa, avocado. Later in the day, scrambled eggs. I'm not a gourmet chef. I cook in bulk very well.

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