Sometimes I feel like a vampire

We all go a little mad sometimes.

Kill one and you might as well kill 21.

I love anything to do with serial killers.

Accept who you are. Unless you're a serial killer.

If I wasn't a musician, I would be a serial killer.

The more I looked at people, the more I hated them.

Friends don't let friends get killed by serial killers

Killing is killing whether done for duty, profit or fun.

I have no interest in understanding sheep, only eating them.

I'll take any vampire fans I can get. Dracula isn't a serial killer story.

One serial killer sends me a human head in a box, and I get all spooked; Go figure.

He would have been handsome—in a serial-killer kind of way—if not for those tattoos.

I've met serial killers and professional assassins and nobody scared me as much as MrsT.

I don't like movies about serial killers, necessarily; it's too real and unpleasant for me.

Lately, the only thing keeping me from being a serial killer is my distaste for manual labor.

It's much harder to play myself. If I ever do a movie again, it'll be a singing serial killer.

There is no happiness without tears, no life without death. Beware! I am going to make you cry.

Can you imagine a demon auction? Serial killer going once...twice...sold to the drama queen at the corner.

Nobody knows if Zidane is an angel or demon. He smiles like Saint Teresa and grimaces like a serial killer.

I'm a sucker for a man who giggles-not a high-pitched serial-killer sort of giggle, but a lighthearted laugh.

If I was a serial killer? How I would kill somebody? I'm actually a very compulsive person ... I'd chainsaw people.

How many chances to you get to make a musical about a serial killer? The minute Tim Burton approached me, I was in.

If I wasn't an actor? Hmm, I'd probably be a serial killer. I'm just so damn likeable, no one would ever suspect me.

Corporatism trying to redeem itself through charity is akin to a serial killer offering to pay a fine for his crimes.

It's always a fascinating subject - a serial killer let loose on a small community. It always holds, it's always scary.

What? It's my job as best friend to make sure he's not a serial killer. Or an English major, not sure which one's worse.

You might get some serial killers who are born with a chip missing, but for the most part I don't think anyone is born bad.

I had known there had been a serial killer on Mount Tamalpais, and it felt so incongruous in such a beautiful, peaceful spot.

Cam was already on his feet, waiting for me. I arched my brow at him. "Following me?" "Like a true serial killer," he replied.

I wouldn't call and tell anybody on him, but I'd probably move. But I'm not gonna call and be like, 'The serial killer's in 4E.'

Most of the time, actors respond to the thing thats so far from who they are. We all want to play the serial killer and the ex-con.

Before people figured out I was funny, I got cast quite a bit as either a rapist or serial killer or the guy who catches those people.

I don't trust photographers. I'm now a relaxed, contented 60 year-old, but look at my pictures and you see a crazy, bug-eyed serial killer.

The difference between a serial killer and a saint is environment. That's a very hard thing to accept because that raises a lot of questions

I have no doubt there are magician psychopaths, and magician serial killers. I doubt Brakebills admissions is very good at screening for those.

My main dream - and I'm trying to get 'Living TV' to do it - is to go into prison and interview serial killers, rapists, murderers, psychopaths.

I do look forward to doing things in the future that I havent done before. Do you know what I have always dreamt about? Playing a serial killer!

One of the things that I discovered in my research is that some serial killers build an ultimate reality around themselves that they believe in, 100%.

I want to make a movie that has enough impact that it's going to do what it needs to do. But I don't want to make a film that serial killers masturbate to.

I was born with the devil in me,' [Holmes] wrote. 'I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.

Death row is a nightmare to serial killers and ax murderers. For an innocent man, it's a life of mental torture that the human spirit is not equipped to survive.

If I were a serial killer, I would not be the kind that stabs and then eats the victim. I would be the kind that hides in a tree and shoots at the aerobics class.

Some of the best movies made about crime are those where the crime solver can get inside the head of the serial killer, and those are the techniques we use in C.S.I.

Every one of my books is written from the viewpoint of cops, with the exception of my book Killer on the Road, which is written from the viewpoint of a serial killer.

Jim Thompson understood something about the serial killer before the psychology caught up to it, which is that they are detached to it and they do want to get caught.

We're going to die," Keith said, the moment he was gone. "This man is a serial killer. We're going to die, and he's going to bury us in his garden and build a shed on us.

Pharoahe Monch is like an eloquent linguistics professor moonlighting as a rhyme serial killer terrorist, challenging the listeners' I.Q. while daring him or her to keep up.

If other things must be destroyed in order for fire to exist, that's all right with fire. As far as fire is concerned, that's what those things are there for in the first place.

If you look at the best-seller list for American fiction, they're all sequels to detective stories or stories about hunting serial killers. That's what's called American fiction these days.

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