I love shocking people.

I don't find movies shocking.

I'm not a real blond... Shocking.

It's shocking the things we call love.

Vanity is the healthiest thing in life.

Pop is in a shocking state at the moment.

There are some shocking cars on the road.

Every new truth begins in a shocking heresy.

I like how hip-hop is just shocking and fun.

Be shocking, be daring, be bold, be passionate.

I know what I’m doing. I know I’m shocking you.

I know what I'm doing. I know I'm shocking you.

I felt like a dork growing up so this is shocking.

The ferociousness of some of the media is shocking.

The gash in its throat was shocking, but not pathetic.

I am shocking, impertinent and insolent that's how it is.

The disconnect between America and its military is shocking.

We live in a world where sort of nothing is shocking anymore.

It is genuinely shocking to me that I'm on a television show.

I don't throw my clothes out after one wear. Shocking, I know.

Even 'Gone With the Wind' had a shocking, cold-blooded murder.

I think when real life interrupts fantasy, it's always shocking.

It is a great danger for everyone when what is shocking changes.

My film knowledge is pretty shocking. I'm trying to correct that.

A shocking occurrence ceases to be shocking when it occurs daily.

It's sometimes shocking to find out what people really believe in.

If something is shocking without being funny it's hard to justify.

I love my mum and dad, but they were shocking providers and carers.

I don't know - is everything the U.S. does a shocking embarrassment?

You are so intense. Like a storm. It's shocking how intense you are.

I find life so shocking in general. Everything about it surprises me.

I make movies in order to make things understood, not to be shocking.

I feel there is an angel in me' she'd say 'whom I am constantly shocking

I never guess. It is a shocking habit destructive to the logical faculty.

This may sound shocking, but I never dreamed about going to the Olympics.

The most shocking and scandalous story will always get people's attention.

Nothing I do is salacious or provocative or shocking for the sake of that.

Every moment is a new and shocking transvaluation of all we have ever been.

It's very shocking for me to see pictures from my win here in 2008. I aged.

I like to do things that are shocking or challenging for the sake of comedy.

On 'Scandal,' they've proven that they're not scared of shocking the audience.

We thought we'd last forever. Then, of course, we didn't, and that was shocking.

Bombs do very, very bad things to human bodies. It's incredibly shocking to see.

It's not overwhelming or shocking to play against the SEC, like most fans think.

Where I came from, it was more shocking to be an atheist than to be transgender.

It's actually shocking to me how hard it's been to get back into the movie business.

Macau has been steady. The shocking, unexpected government is the one in Washington.

It's shocking we don't see more engineers and entrepreneurs interested in enterprise.

It's shocking to think of the universe now without Robin Williams' energy, even muted.

The truth is how you say it, and to be 'one's self' is the most shocking custom of all.

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