You know what I'm afraid of? That God is sick of us.

How did I ever get sick? I've already had everything.

I'm tired and I'm sick to death of being without you.

I am half-sick of shadows,' said The Lady of Shalott.

You aren't sick & unhappy only alive & stuck with it.

Ten years of being on TV, I'd never taken a sick day.

Everyone thinks I'm a hypochondriac. It makes me sick.

If I'm super scared or sick, I'll still suck my thumb.

I'm sick to death of the way the Big Two treat people.

I'm getting sick and tired of doing anything half-way.

There's nothing more raw in life than when you're sick.

Red Bull doesn't give you wings, it just makes ya sick.

Americans are sick and tired of political gamesmanship.

The American public is sick and tired of being lied to.

Don’t answer to sick, or broke, or worn out any longer.

Boy, you gotta be real sick to get this much attention.

I'm sick of the old cliches. Bring me some new cliches.

The most poetical thing in the world is not being sick.

A wise man does not chatter with one whose mind is sick.

The spiritual life becomes very simple when you're sick.

We’ve evolved to be smart enough to make ourselves sick.

We never get sick of each other. That's how sick we are.

The world of the heterosexual is a sick and boring life.

I got sick of the dough, and thought I'd go on the loaf.

Sick minds like to prohibit; healthy minds like to free!

You wouldn't know I was sick unless you knew I was sick.

Tolerance is love sick with the sickness of haughtiness.

I'm sick and tired of politics and politicians as usual.

People in Israel are sick and tired of the old politics.

If you exercise your mind, you're not going to get sick.

Sometimes you got to get sick before you can feel better.

You sick, twisted monster," Sabrina seethed at Pinocchio.

I do think people are definitely sick of the Kardashians.

Nobody is sicker than the man who is sick on his day off.

Love is a disease – ultimately you get sick of each other

Hate is a disease, and in 1930 I became sick with hatred.

When you're sick, nobody takes care of you like your mom.

The folly of all follies is to be love sick for a shadow.

Stealing it, in a sick kind of sense, was like earning it.

Man is not born wicked; he becomes so, as he becomes sick.

The study of History is the best medicine for a sick mind.

I'm sick to death of this particular self. I want another.

I'm so old I can remember when the Dead Sea was only sick.

The fact that we are living does not mean we are not sick.

Chinese people are thoroughly sick of Western imperialism.

Even people who aren't sick may not have optimal wellness.

I think we are all exhausted by, and sick of, Donald Trump.

When we are sick our virtues and our vices are in abeyance.

Pride fills me. I am sick with the pride that destroyed me.

The most secure method, to ruin your health, is a SICK BED!

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