I broke my sixth vertebrae.

I have seen 'The Sixth Sense.'

I've been doing music since sixth grade.

My first dunk was actually in sixth grade.

No one grows up wanting to be a sixth man.

I did try to win a sixth, but it was not to be.

I was thinking, could I be the sixth Spice Girl?

I taught sixth grade for three and a half years.

I've been playing live since I was in sixth grade.

I was slicking my hair back when I was in sixth grade.

When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to become a priest.

In sixth grade, I made up books to give book reports on.

I went to my first go-go when I was in, like, sixth grade.

I bought an electric scooter in sixth grade. Bankrupted me.

I was head of the Sixth Form Centre when I left the school.

I learned English, my sixth language at this point, quite quickly.

I had my two front teeth knocked out by a sixth grader in first grade.

Being considered for Sixth Man is definitely something that is pleasing.

You see, I went to the sixth grade and that was the highest I ever went.

I was a shy kid up until the sixth grade, and then I started to let loose.

I didn't make 'The Sixth Sense' because I thought the ending wouldn't work!

I was at a public school until I was in sixth grade when I moved to New York.

I'm going to go for Sixth Man of the Year, put myself in position to do that.

The sixth Harry Potter film - I don't like my performance in that film at all.

A film like 'The Sixth Sense' burns an image of who you are into people's minds.

In the States, tennis is sixth or seventh on the totem pole as far as sports go.

In a normal season, the sixth man always seems to get the most minutes on my team.

I want to do things I enjoy, and show business comes fifth or sixth down the line.

I'm in the middle of my sixth book, which is about animals at the Los Angeles Zoo.

In the sixth grade, I planned to start my own business making custom fishing lures.

This is the sixth book I've written, which isn't bad for a guy who's only read two.

I went to a public school through sixth grade, and being good at tests wasn't cool.

By the time I was in sixth grade I could bound every country in the world from memory.

I did one pageant in sixth grade, and I loved it! I loved the dresses and the big hair.

We're celebrating our sixth year with my Fleetwood's, and in a restaurant, that's a lot.

From sixth grade on I was a real Pillsbury doughboy. Overweight, long hair, thick glasses.

I'm really into kind of a 'Sixth Sense' type of movie - mysteries, thrillers a little bit.

I figured out 'The Sixth Sense' in the first 10 minutes. I still found the movie touching.

Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five.

The first song I wrote was called 'Here I Go Falling In Love' I wrote it in the sixth grade.

I like the old, classic scary movies. I love 'Psycho,' 'The Sixth Sense,' and 'Poltergeist.'

I made my first website in sixth grade. I was the only girl in my computer programming class.

The sixth sense is at the core of our experiences. It is what makes experiences out of events.

I saw Styx in sixth grade. I loved Tommy Shaw. I got sneakers like him - he wore these tan Nikes.

Little Haley Joel Osment in 'The Sixth Sense' can see dead people. Well, I can see racist people.

You know Bad News, 'The Young Ones?' I learned not to spend a buttload of money on a sixth member.

I know how to read people. When you grow up in a rough environment, you have to have a sixth sense.

'The Sixth Sense' is fine the second time around, but honestly, the first time around, it's dazzling.

The first persecution of the Church took place in the year 67, under Nero, the sixth emperor of Rome.

Sixth grade was a big time, in my childhood, of hoops and friendship, and coming up with funny things.

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