The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

Meat-eaters make every day a 9/11 for animals in slaughterhouses.

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.

If slaughterhouses had glass walls the whole world would be vegetarian.

Go down any road far enough and you'll come to a slaughterhouse, but keep going and you'll reach the sea.

I became vegan because I saw footage of what really goes on in the slaughterhouses and on the dairy farms.

Peoples will be as before, the sheep sent to the slaughterhouses or to the meadows as it pleases the shepherds

I'm standing in a slaughterhouse where the cattle are begging to become hamburgers. I have a right to be jumpy.

Peoples will be as before, the sheep sent to the slaughterhouses or to the meadows as it pleases the shepherds.

I haven't touched a piece of meat since I read a graphic description of Chicago's slaughterhouses when I was 12.

I became a vegetarian after I became aware of factory farming and slaughterhouses and the torture and inhumane handling of all these animals.

I think if you're against cruelty and you look at what happens to animals in slaughterhouses and on factory farms, you have to be completely against eating meat.

It's commonly said that if slaughterhouses had clear glass walls, nobody would eat meat. I think people go out of their way to remain ignorant about how factory farm animals are treated.

I've been involved in animal issues for quite a while, going back 24 years. I started reading up on factory farming and slaughterhouses and animal cruelty, and it didn't make sense for me to be part of it.

The same people who are murdered slowly in the mechanized slaughterhouses of work are also arguing, singing, drinking, dancing, making love, holding the streets, picking up weapons and inventing a new poetry.

I have a tough stomach, and I've put myself through a lot. But when I first found out what happens to animals on modern factory farms and in today's slaughterhouses, I wanted to throw up - I literally couldn't believe it.

Each year, billions of animals are subjected to cruelty on factory farms, feed lots, and slaughterhouses. The brutality that these animals endure would be grounds for felony cruelty charges if inflicted upon our cats and dogs.

I worked in factories, slaughterhouses, as an upholsterer. I did demolition work, was a postman, was a tiler, a plasterer. I even sold double-glazing door-to-door. But I always dreamed of being a world champion, first of all as a boxer.

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