I eat hamburgers all the time.

You are what you think you are.

You are what you think you eat.

Sacred cows make great hamburgers.

My brothers nicknamed me 'Hamburgers.'

Writing is not a McDonald's Hamburger.

Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.

Neil Hamburger writes such cutting jokes.

I put the hamburger on the assembly line.

I wouldn't eat a hamburger for 40,000 dollars.

Hamburgers are my favorite thing to eat, period.

A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.

The hamburgers in America are the best in the world.

I had a dream where my face was a hamburger. What the?

I like junk food, French fries, hamburgers - I love it.

I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating me.

It was like orderin a hamburger and getting only the buns

There's a lot more future in hamburgers than in baseball.

Hamburgers! The corner-stone of any nutritious breakfast.

Give the people what they want and then go have a hamburger.

We should not use crippled children to sell hamburgers. Ever.

I'm starting to get old. I want to eat some hamburgers and just relax.

On adultery: "Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?

There are only forty people in the world and five of them are hamburgers.

You turn hotdogs with tongs. Don't you ever use those tongs on a hamburger.

Too often, we have tended to fall into a trap of creating plain hamburgers.

What good does it do to sit at the counter when you cannot afford a hamburger?

You can get an Egg McMuffin all day; you just can't get the hamburger all day.

Hamburger bad fries bad, coca-cola bad….There I said it. Drink your water people.

I love hamburgers, but if you give me a hamburger for every meal, I'm gonna tire of it.

Sometimes I miss hamburgers, I should say that. I miss the tuna pizzas at Mercer Kitchen.

We are, quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet- for the sake of hamburgers

In tantra, samsara is viewed as the same thing as nirvana. Eating a hamburger is meditation.

I really like hamburgers and French fries, and I don't consider myself some kind of gourmand.

What good is having the right to sit at a lunch counter if you can't afford to buy a hamburger?

Maybe I'm not the gloaming witches smart, but at least I'm not our stupid liffey hamburger mongrels

[Getting the truth in the New York Post has been as] difficult as finding a good hamburger in Albania.

The U.S. Open is the only place in America where you can't trade in your Mercedes-Benz for a hamburger.

Mel's Diner in L.A. - they are my favorite hamburgers. I could eat there every day. They are ridiculous.

Outdoor cooking is not just about hot dogs and hamburgers. There are so many styles of food you can make.

But once in a while you might see me at In and Out Burger; they make the best fast food hamburgers around.

I still love making hamburgers on the grill. I guess whenever I eat them childhood memories come up for me.

Saying spirituality cannot exist without religion is like saying hamburgers cannot exist without McDonald's.

I'm standing in a slaughterhouse where the cattle are begging to become hamburgers. I have a right to be jumpy.

If you have the right to call me a hot dog why do I not have the right to call you a stale 3-day old hamburger?

Ketchup is great on hamburgers, but if some gets on your shirt, that does not make your shirt also a hamburger.

A waft of sweet hash drifted by, and I wanted to float after it like Wimpy levitating at the scent of a hamburger.

We've all had that moment where the agent thought he hit hold. You hear it's like Hamburger Hill in the background.

Looking hard for a drive in, searching for a corner cafe, where the hamburgers sizzle on an open grill night and day.

They figured out a way to control that hamburger disease. You dip the hamburger into the scalding hot coffee before eating.

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