Hollywood has treated me well.

God, it's nice to be treated like a man.

I want to be treated like a human being.

My adoption was treated as a celebration.

Treat everyone how you want to be treated.

Chastity is now treated as a sexual problem.

I never ever felt that I was unfairly treated.

People just deserve to be treated with kindness.

The British public cannot be treated like fools.

Women want to be treated as equals, not sequels.

A wound gets worse when it's treated with neglect.

Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess.

If customers are treated right, they'll come back.

I've always treated women with dignity and respect.

All sports must be treated on the basis of equality.

I'd just like to be treated like a regular customer.

Home is where you feel at home and are treated well.

It's a bit disconcerting being treated like Madonna.

Women artists are still treated differently from men.

I've always treated the music business as a business.

Wherever I go in the world, I'm treated like royalty.

I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen.

If you want to be treated like a mother, act like one.

I'm tired of being treated like a second-class citizen.

The human body is always treated as an image of society.

I'd always been treated like an object, not like a human.

Do not treat others as you yourself would not be treated.

I feel like I'm treating people as I'd like to be treated.

I was always at peace because of the way my mom treated me.

It's important to me that everyone is treated with respect.

Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated

Your life story is a gift, and it should be treated as such.

Beware of the temptation to see yourself as unfairly treated.

I treated it like every day was my last day with a basketball.

If you act like a victim, you are likely to be treated as one.

We are very keen to see that nobody gets ill-treated or abused.

We want to be treated equally and not judged off our skin color.

Even potential human life needs to be treated with great respect.

I'm not a tart. I feel like I've been treated like one in the past.

It's unfair that I've been treated unfair - but it doesn't stop me.

Human beings are never to be treated as a means but always as ends.

Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus was?

A person who steals bread during a famine is not treated as a thief.

People shouldn't be treated like objects. They aren't that valuable.

Capital goes where it is welcome and stays where it is well treated.

If a person is treated like a patient, they are apt to act like one.

I took a lot of things for granted - especially how I treated my body.

All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated.

I only ask of the government to be treated as all other men are treated.

Once I got my driver's license everybody treated me like I was an adult.

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