I barely speak English.

I'm sorry, I don't speak English.

I didn't speak English until I came to Pittsburgh.

He speaks English, Spanish, and he's bilingual too.

Every German child learns to speak English in school.

I speak Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, and English.

Anyone who doesn't speak English isn't worth speaking to

If your computer speaks English, it was probably made in Japan.

We know the goats are imported because they don't speak English.

The nice thing about England is that they actually speak English.

I speak English, so I am no longer cute. My tongue itches for French.

Just remember if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English.

My mind speaks English, my heart speaks Russian, and my ear prefers French.

I speak English, Portuguese, and French. One day I'd love to learn Italian.

If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English.

French: why does this language even exist? Everyone there speaks english anyway.

My American strength coach said he liked me better before I could speak English.

I haven't been abroad in so long that I almost speak English without an accent now.

Aw, come on. I barely speak English, unless we're talking about the Lowcountry kind.

Children learn to speak Male or Female the way they learn to speak English or French.

A lot of country making films in English, but in Japan we are very shy to speak English.

I don't hold with abroad and think that foreigners speak English when our backs are turned.

Neither you nor I speak English, but there are some things that can be said only in English.

This made no sense to me, probably because I speak English and have never had a head injury.

Jesus is not from Georgia. Jesus does not speak English. And Jesus is not a member of the NRA.

More than 300 million people in the world speak English and the rest, it sometimes seems, try to.

I hope God speaks English. If I get up to heaven and have to point at a menu, I'm gonna be pissed.

I learned Spanish at home and, since half my family doesn't speak English, it's my first language.

The most significant event of the 20th century will be the fact that the North Americans speak English.

I came to New York when I was 21, 22. I couldn't speak English. I knew I wanted to go to fashion school.

Nowadays, anyone who cannot speak English and is incapable of using the Internet is regarded as backward.

Somebody said to me that I speak English almost like somebody for whom English is not their first language.

When I couldn't speak English, I loved silent films circa 1914-1929, Abel Gance being my favorite director.

I have traveled more than anyone else, and I have noticed that even the angels speak English with an accent.

It is always a taut moment in a foreign country waiting to see if your English-speaking guide speaks English.

My opinion is that more languages you speak, better it is, but but when you come to America, you speak English.

I speak English without an accent, and I speak Spanish without an accent. I really do have the best of both worlds.

We live in America,' he said. 'Everyone who speaks English understands you. How they interpret you is something else.

Dreams do come true, even for someone who couldn't speak English and never had a music lesson or much of an education.

Speak English!' said the Eaglet. 'I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and I don't believe you do either!

I always like a charity with people who don't speak English because I get them to do all kinds of things around my house.

When I speak English, I've been told, I have this patrician way of speaking that's very irritating. It's the whole class thing.

My parents are very funny when they have to deal with anything racy or off-color. They usually pretend they don't speak English.

I grew up in a physical world, and I speak English. The next generation is growing up in a digital world, and they speak social.

You forget, when you're in the Scandinavian countries, you forget they don't speak English first and they speak better than I do.

Me neither,” Shane put in. “Homie don’t play that.” “I wonder, sometimes, if your generation speaks English at all,” Amelie said.

Men must speak English who can write Sanskrit; they must speak a modern language who write, perchance, an ancient and universal one.

Even though I couldn't speak English, there were many times that my black-American parents could read my mind and I could read theirs.

I grew up listening to people speaking broken English. I probably picked that up. And I probably speak English almost as a second language.

I have an all-Japanese design team, and none of them speak English. So it's often funny and surprising how my ideas end up lost in translation.

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