I liked being in the spotlight.

I try to stay out of the spotlight.

I didn't really grow up in the spotlight.

In general, the spotlight has been on me.

My life in the spotlight has cost me a lot.

Stay out of the spotlight. It fades your suit.

What I do for a living puts me in the spotlight.

I have arrived, and the spotlight is on me, honey!

I spend all my time trying to avoid the spotlight.

Stay true in the dark, and humble in the spotlight.

If I am ever in the spotlight, I want to look good.

for some people life outside the spotlight is death.

It's so fun being on the stage and in the spotlight.

It's never really fun to be in the public spotlight.

I've been in the spotlight since the day I was born.

I always loved the spotlight, just not the negativity.

I'm just a person that played a game in the spotlight.

I'm not living my life under the spotlight for anybody.

I was thrown into the spotlight pretty quickly at UCLA.

I don't feel the need to be in the spotlight whatsoever.

I don't think I'd ever be able to give up the spotlight.

I have been in the spotlight, and I have been out of it.

If you are in the spotlight, you have to get used to it.

Having shaved my head for the role put a spotlight on me.

The bigger you get as a player, the bigger the spotlight.

I'm not driven by the spotlight and I'm not that outgoing.

A superstar doesn't just use the spotlight for themselves.

I only want to play, don't like the life in the spotlight.

I've made my peace with being in the spotlight, definitely.

Ego is to the true self what a flashlight is to a spotlight.

I kinda threw the spotlight away from me for a little while.

I wasn't naked, I was completely covered by a blue spotlight.

Sometimes in a team game, the entire spotlight is on one man.

I'm an ex-'Globe' guy. My friends are depicted in 'Spotlight.'

On stage the spotlight is on me and I cannot afford to be shy.

I think I thrive under the spotlight; I live for a big moment.

Al Sharpton chases the spotlight the way Obama chases golf balls

I've been competing my whole life. Who cares about the spotlight?

So few people are truly themselves when they're in the spotlight.

I see football as a team sport, I'm not looking for the spotlight.

I normally shun the spotlight, but I don't mind being the platform.

I'm not having to grow up in the spotlight as a 14- or 15-year-old.

I kind of got out of the spotlight and life's never been this good.

I do my job - I don't try to seek the spotlight; that's not my way.

Hip-hop is making a lot of noise. It should get some more spotlight.

I have taken a break from the media spotlight for the past few years.

I know I'll be under a spotlight, I know I'll be under the microscope.

Anybody in the spotlight can get lost in that if they are not careful.

The cosmic spotlight isn't pointed at you; it radiates from within you.

Unfortunately, if you don't want to be in the spotlight, get out of it.

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