Staying stagnant is not okay.

Film can become stagnant as a medium.

Consistency is the quality of a stagnant mind.

I don't wanna get old and stagnant and hang around.

Shows than run for years together make you stagnant.

I feel at times I get stagnant, and I don't want to.

A life without change is not a life; it is a stagnant pool.

I can tell you, without diversity, creativity remains stagnant.

People like things that change. They don't like stagnant things.

Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool.

Personality is reduced and deformed with depleted thoughts and stagnant mind.

Personality is reduced and deformed with depleted thoughts and stagnant mind.

Postwar Europe was morally stagnant, and there was a lot of neo-conservatism.

We all know what happens with socialized medicine: rationing and stagnant care.

While prices of goods continue to rise, American worker's wages remain stagnant.

France's economy is stagnant, statist, and uncompetitive and urgently needs reform.

You have to grow. I can't be the same person I was at 18; otherwise, I'd be stagnant.

Pain has its own noble joy, when it starts a strong consciousness of life, from a stagnant one.

In my opinion, the most stagnant thing in our sport is our schedule and our venues that we go to.

The moment you get comfortable is the moment you get stagnant, so I want to make sure I keep evolving.

It's evolve or die, really, you have to evolve, you have to move on otherwise it just becomes stagnant.

As with mosquitoes, horseflies, and most bloodsucking parasites, Kenneth Starr was spawned in stagnant water.

A society should never become like a pond with stagnant water, without movement. That's the most important thing.

It's true that redistributing income to the needy is politically easier in a growing economy than in a stagnant one.

Online games for data-mining have a short virtual shelf life. People get bored, especially if the game seems stagnant.

If you're not learning, then you're stagnant. If you're stagnant, then you're not evolving and the business isn't progressing.

I'm somebody who constantly wants to challenge himself, evolve, and grow. Because if you don't, you fade. You become stagnant.

I like to work. I don't like to have lulls. I feel like it makes me lazy and uncreative, and that's when your ideas become stagnant.

I don't understand why some people get access to the universe and other people feel like they're meant to just be stagnant and fail.

I feel like animation's stagnant. There's not much that's trying to push the artform, and so, for me, I'm way too critical about it.

I've seen a lot of my friends go through different reality shows, and they just get caught up in a lot of stagnant positions, unfortunately.

If we can forgive, it will help us to grow and not remain stagnant in the same place. Then we can move on without animosity and hurt feelings.

The truth is the middle class is not only stagnant but it is my fear that, without sustained and focused action, it is at risk of disappearing.

When money, rather than innovation or value, is your competitive advantage, that's when things get boring and stagnant, and monopolies take root.

Of course things get stagnant; people get too used to their environment, but that's why I'm in my district every week, at meetings with my constituents.

There is something that feels stagnant about having things you don't use or wear. But shoes are my thing. Shoes and scarves, I'm a big fan of the scarf.

Between stagnant wages and the cost of everything going up - particularly health care and college tuition - people have less money to save and less money to spend.

I don't like being stagnant. I want to continue to grow and just be better at what I do, and the only way to do that is to keep stepping outside of your comfort zone.

We all know growth is absolutely vital to a free society. No one should want Australia to be a stag-nation: a nation with a stagnant economy and stagnant aspirations.

When you do something eight times a week, you fall into those little places where sometimes things can get a bit stagnant. That's why I always welcome a new face on the stage.

Badly constructed houses do for the healthy what badly constructed hospitals do for the sick. Once insure that the air in a house is stagnant, and sickness is certain to follow.

The point of our demographics is that we're not having as many children and the population is stagnant, if not declining. So without immigration, we're not going to have the population.

Moneyball' doesn't have anything to do with on-base percentage or statistics. It's a constant investigation of stagnant systems, to see if you can find value where it isn't readily apparent.

Somebody can say they don't understand why somebody drifts. But I've always found people who drift interesting, 'cause it shows me the game's not stagnant in their own head. They're thinking.

I'd seen so many people become stagnant in New Jersey - I had this fear I'd just stay there. They'd come out of high school, get a job, get married, have kids and die in Jersey. I wanted more.

Not that I was not getting offers, the big banners might not come but there was still an influx of offers but you know, my growth as an actor was stagnant. I did not want to do the same thing.

The old, subjective, stagnant, indolent and wretched life for woman has gone. She has as many resources as men, as many activities beckon her on. As large possibilities swell and inspire her heart.

Everybody's all up on the EDM bandwagon now, because it's, like, another viable conduit for traditional pop music to ride for a bit so they can get out of their little stagnant pool and make a dance hit.

Right after college, I participated in the Miss India contest and then went on to pursue modelling, as that seemed like the logical next step. But pretty soon, I started to feel stagnant in that profession.

The best thing to do is stare it in the face and move on. We have to face our fears and plow through. I think taking chances takes a lot more courage than staying stagnant and doing what's safe and comfortable.

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