The IOC presidency has been suggested to me.

An emotion is suggested and demolished in one glance by certain words.

Character and story are suggested by the voice in the words themselves.

I have suggested that scientific progress requires a favorable environment.

I didn't want to write a book that suggested that magic good/technology bad.

The most important of my discoveries have been suggested to me by my failures.

History has suggested that the pessimists have been wrong time and time again.

When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, that means it can't be cured.

The world is a scary place. Even my mother has suggested I take a self defense class.

I had studied theater for three years in London when someone suggested me for the role.

Everything I ever suggested for 'The West Wing' comes from my work with Senator Moynihan.

I've always suggested if you can't stand the sight of your own blood, don't run for office.

I think the feelings in my music were suggested to me before I even had the ability to play music.

I was a hyper kid in school and the teacher suggested to my mom she needed to do something with me.

I would like to confirm that Perri Reid was the only person who ever suggested that Chilli leave TLC.

My face is not perfect. Because my nose is not sharp, many people suggested I should get my nose done.

Music was something I chose that I came to as a kid, and acting was something that was suggested to me.

Many suggested I should move to Hyderabad. But I prefer remaining in Chennai and travelling to and fro.

I used to create meals for my friends. Eventually one of them suggested opening a restaurant. So I did.

Someone suggested elocution lessons but there is no way I am changing my accent, I'm proud of my roots.

I would not support any scheme which suggested that people should be taxed for living in their own home.

When Matt LeBlanc had his show 'Joey', I strongly suggested to the producers that they should bring me on.

The ancient codes were doubtless originally suggested by the discovery and diffusion of the art of writing.

Well, Hale was one of the first people who suggested to President Johnson that there should be a commission.

It was suggested that I take a recording test. I passed, was liked and, well, you know the rest of the story.

No doubt these rocky islands have suggested the idea worked out in gardens, and they have been well imitated.

It was my brother Rahul Dev who suggested my name for the original film 'Krishna' as he didn't have the dates.

Originally I was going to write a fashion style guide, but then my publishers suggested I write a novel instead.

My agent, Jeff Andrews, suggested I write a book. For some reason. he doesn't like it when I'm not doing anything.

I was only 20, 21. I was basically going to college to get me out of the ghetto. A friend suggested I try stand-up.

Right before I left ESPN, someone suggested doing a NFL story in the spring. The person was laughed out of the room.

I certainly never thought I would run for office myself. If someone had suggested it, I would have laughed out loud.

The ladette thing, it's all a bit weird. I never really liked the word as it suggested we wanted to be men. We didn't.

People saw I was in horrendous shape when I was in the WWF. They suggested I go into rehab. I was in that much denial.

I wanted to get a cropped hairdo, but Sreenu Vaitla loves my look in 'Chiruta,' so he suggested that I keep the long hair.

The stories that I tell, the topics that I choose to write about, usually are suggested by something that I've done before.

I had a messy signature as a child, and my grandmother said this suggested I had no regard for other people. She was right.

My personal trainer suggested paleo to build muscle while staying lean, and it's one of the first plans that's worked for me.

CM Punk clearly established during his time as a Paul Heyman Guy that he was, as the billing suggested, The Best In The World.

I was actually really stunned that my label suggested 'Door' as the single to lead with, as it's such a long and winding song.

Hitch suggested a name actress to play Marion because the bigger the star the more unbelievable it would be that we would kill her.

Even President Obama has not suggested he could get another country to pay for building a wall between Mexico and the United States.

I'm friends with Igor Yanovsky from when we played together at PSG and he suggested a few Russian dishes to me. I really love borsch!

An argument fatal to the communist theory, is suggested by the fact, that a desire for property is one of the elements of our nature.

We give you a list of suggested friends to connect with who are already on Path. We notify you when other friends of yours join Path.

In politics, it seems, retreat is honorable if dictated by military considerations and shameful if even suggested for ethical reasons.

When I was doing 'Kanche,' a lot of my well-wishers and friends in the industry suggested that I concentrate on doing commercial films.

Some folks have suggested that, using WordPress, Prologue, and RSS, you could create a pretty effective distributed version of Twitter.

I don't like to think of my readership as 'fans,' a word which has always suggested a kind of power relationship I'm uncomfortable with.

It's suggested I am big pals with Willie McKay. Am I? I don't think I am. He is an agent. You need these agents if you want to do a deal.

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