Every actor is great in his own right but certain actors suit certain roles.

I love a good fitted suit. England is known for men who can wear good suits.

I thought behind the camera roles would suit me better because I'm sensitive.

Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not become depressed afterward.

Yellow looks good with a brown suit, but then, a brown suit never looks good.

In an ordinary suit and tie, I'd look like a little macho. I'd be ridiculous.

I didn't think of my job as wanting roles I want to do but roles that suit me.

Naga Chaitanya selects only those movies which suit him, just like his father.

I feel that working with the camera and editing it is actually my strong suit.

I love a man in a suit. Men should stay clothed, even if they have nice bodies.

There hasn't been enough change in comics to suit me. I don't know why exactly.

I'm not a model, so the idea of modelling a suit or clothes is weird in itself.

The education ministry files suit every time there is a case of identity fraud.

I wanted to become an actor so I didn't have to put on a suit and sell insurance.

In the summer I'm always walking around in a bathing suit and I never wear shoes.

I never feel more confident and comfortable than when I'm wearing a Tom Ford suit.

When I started my career, I can say my interviewing skills were not my strong suit.

I don't act. I am the way I am, and choose roles that I think suit my body language.

In New York in the Forties or Fifties, everybody's in a suit, an overcoat and a hat.

Fashion is nice, but it's for the fans. If it were up to me, I'd be in a sweat suit!

I don't hate Guardiola. These kind of feelings don't suit with professional matters.

Nothing gives a person more confidence... than to be zipped snugly inside a bee suit.

My father used to say, 'Let them see you and not the suit. That should be secondary.'

If I was going to be on screen in a bathing suit, I wanted to feel good about myself.

Guys are lucky: We can wear a suit over and over, just with different shirts and ties.

Those in power always try to distort reality, to suit their needs and keep things safe.

In the first band I was ever in, we all had to wear a matching grey suit. I hated that.

I love wearing green, and I like grey and black, but I don't think they really suit me.

I don't know any woman who doesn't have an anxiety attack about wearing a bathing suit.

I don't get cast as the guy who steps off a yacht in a white linen suit with a martini.

I love to rock 'n roll. But my finest suit, of all the things I do, is as a songwriter.

If I was strictly an artist, I'd have to learn to dance and get a shiny suit and stuff.

A good typeface is like a well-crafted English or Italian suit: it always looks perfect.

Pairing jeans with a stiletto and a body suit is my go-to that makes me feel my sexiest.

It's my job in Hollywood to find roles where I get to be a character not a bathing suit.

If you saw me every day, you would actually think I am wearing the exact same gray suit.

I never knew what I even looked like in a suit before I worked at 'Saturday Night Live.'

I cannot and will not raise money on Benghazi. I also advise my colleagues to follow suit.

I'm not going chic, I swear. The geek endures. But, I mean, a snazzy cool suit looks good.

Really I feel less keen about the Army every day. I think the Church would suit me better.

Some of my scripts need the larger catchment area of Bollywood. But some suit Telugu films.

My uniform: grey suit, white shirt, grey tie and tie bar, grey cardigan and black wingtips.

I remember the very first suit I bought. It was a three-piece denim suit with bell-bottoms.

A man in a well tailored suit will always shine brighter than a guy in an off-the-rack suit.

I love the idea of a super villain that doesn't wear a cape, that doesn't wear a super suit.

When fashion sweeps in, artists follow suit. I think this is the malady of contemporary art.

I've got to say, I enjoy a good suit. Something about a really well-tailored suit; I like it.

With a suit, even if you're having a nervous breakdown, you still look like you're in charge.

Dressing up used to be more of a thing. My dad wore a suit always. Now you think, why bother?

I think I look better in a suit than a loincloth. So that may define some of the parts I play.

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