I hate homemade sweaters.

I'm a big cardigan sweater guy.

Homemade sweaters are always itchy.

We trendsetters, not trend sweaters.

I love Gap for affordable men's sweaters.

Tits always look better in a pink sweater.

Sweaters need to be imagined, dreamed over.

I have too much money invested in sweaters.

You fit me better than my favorite sweater.

For years, I stored my sweaters in the oven.

You don't go to Buckingham Palace in a sweater.

I can't give up Golf, I've got too many sweaters.

I'd give up golf if I didn't have so many sweaters.

When you're gay every party is a bad sweater party.

It is not fair to be old, to put on a brown sweater.

I like sweaters. I have a sweater obsession, I guess.

Christmas sweaters are only acceptable as a cry for help.

If Bernie has seven sweaters, that's three too many for him.

Dramatic art in her opinion is knowing how to fill a sweater.

When I was growing up in the 1950s, sweaters were a huge thing.

And I spilled gravy on my Carolina sweater, because I am alive.

I was in Kashmir last weekend. Went to visit one of my sweaters.

Middle age is when, whenever you go on holiday, you pack a sweater.

Sweaters in light hues function perfectly as between-season buffers.

I always wear my sweater back-to-front; it is so much more flattering.

If I had butterscotch pants and a cheetah sweater... I'd be just fine.

Your Wheezy, sir, your Wheezy — Wheezy who is giving Dobby his sweater!

I have a Maltese Shih Tzu. I'm notorious for dressing her up in sweaters.

I like shirts and sweaters that fall off the shoulder or plaid button-ups.

My girlfriend still doesn't know why her sweaters are always stretched out.

There's something about a Christmas sweater that will always make me laugh.

-You forgot something important! -What? -It's under my sweater! -WHAT?! -Me!

Designers don't put out the same sweater every year. They just keep creating.

I became the world's queen of sweaters without even knowing how one was made.

I like a girl to wear oversize sweaters that look like my own - it's beyond sexy.

To think, a sweater, is made entirely of knots. My stomach could clothe a village.

I tend to wear leather pants with crew neck sweaters or leather jackets with denim.

She's wearing a tight red sweater and a red skirt and enough makeup to scare a hooker.

Remodeling is like pulling a loose thread on a cheap sweater - the job keeps unraveling.

I look real good and feel even better, I make a burlap sack look like a cashmere sweater.

Half of my closet is Barbie clothes - PVC skirts, cropped fuzzy sweaters, and velvet minis.

I love Fall Fashion Week because it means lots of layering, long sweaters and vintage coats.

I really like structured coats and layered scarves, and I especially love cashmere sweaters.

People only talk about me and sweaters because I don't give them anything else to talk about.

I got everything I wanted from my parents: Brooks Brothers sweaters and Spalding saddle shoes.

Yeah, there has been alot of changes in my life since I started glee...I bought a new sweater.

You go to him for advice? He’s only what? Five years old? I swear I own older sweaters. (Tory)

A little blue-eyed blonde in a red hot sweater, wants to spice my chili, I think I'll let her.

My high school girlfriend would ask if I finally learned how to unbutton the back of a sweater!

I started by designing a sweater very close to the body, because I couldn't find any for myself.

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