The DNA of Rojak is found in its textures.

Music is about textures as well as melody.

I think great romance needs great obstacles and textures.

I am moved more by melodies, song structure, and evocative textures.

It's always fun to try non-traditional athletic wear with cutouts and fun textures.

The mixture of weird textures and organic surfaces creates an interesting dialogue.

Sampling is kind of prehistoric, given the technology and the textures you can create.

I love to play with textures and colors. I mix them together like I would in a painting.

I don't think the White House has always reflected the textures and flavors of this country.

To me, I don't think a song's complete unless it's got a great variety of different textures.

I love to create interesting textures with language. You can do it as long as it seems like a discovery.

The fabric of a garden is determined as much by its textures as by its tonal range and architectural flair.

The whole background of 'Avian' is rain. I was just playing with textures and realizing you can touch music.

The true worth of a man is not to be found in man himself, but in the colours and textures that come alive in others.

Modern minimalism has become less strict over time with a wider range of textures and materials, with other cozier layers.

I'm liking the different types of tights that you can wear with high heels. There are lots of different colors and textures.

The people at Dylan's Candy Bar, they have to have an inner child and a sense of fun... and love the colors and the textures.

Steaming offers no opportunity for either seasoning or developing the brown, crisp textures that sauteing and roasting afford.

What I'm dealing with is sound. I don't pretend to be dealing with music. I'm just dealing with sound elements, textures and sounds.

I love blue in all its shades and textures. I wear navy like others wear black, and I love the blue in flowers - cornflowers, delphiniums.

Technology is making design more exciting, with color, wallpaper, textures, fabrics that could never have been created without the technology.

Textures apply to everything I do. Even within my music, I like smooth things, and then hard and fluffy things, all giving them their place to shine.

It's nice to see different dimensions of a character. A love interest and family life are always, I think, important in creating layers and textures.

I just don't see myself as a songwriter or a country singer or any of those things anymore. It's more trying to express ideas and emotional textures.

I try to be extra creative with the colors and textures I wear during fashion week. It's not for street style, though; I just like dressing sometimes.

The SynthAxe enables you to achieve a whole world of sonic textures that you cannot get with a guitar. There was nothing like it before and nothing like it since.

Cooking for a family, and specifically cooking to stimulate exploration of new flavors and textures, has led to mealtimes that are both healthier and more exciting.

Even though there are so many different 'kinds' of music - different textures, different timbres, different attitudes - there is something divine at the core of all music.

If you're playing with a number of people, there are all sorts of textures, all kinds of possibilities you can get into. So why just play a theme together and then take solos?

I love bringing the colors and textures of other cultures. If I wear a dress that I bought from a street vendor in Bali on a red carpet, it's a way of bringing my travels with me.

To me it's all about textures, and that's the side of music that I'm finding really exciting. I feel like it's one of the only parts of music that mankind hasn't fully discovered yet.

I think Usher is a bonafide superstar because he's very honest in his songs, and people can relate to that, especially in the feelings and textures of his voice. He is one of the best.

I've been good at creating new textures and new fabrics, like vocal hocketing, or interlocking guitars, or suggesting new ideas for style... that's what the band has really excelled at.

Don't build a bar for yourself. Build it for your customers. It's all about them: the walls, the finishes, the textures, the food, the beverages, literally everything has to be for them.

Yogurt sauce, as you may have noticed by now, is a regular presence in my recipes - that's because it has the ability to round up so many flavours and textures like no other component does.

Finger foods can help little ones to explore food at their own pace. They are also great for helping them to develop hand-eye coordination and encouraging them to try out a variety of textures.

My six favorite textures for fall and winter are leather, fur, tweed, mohair, velvet and wool. I love that they are all as warm as they are fashionable and easy to incorporate into your wardrobe.

There are not many A-list directors who get to make the movies they want to make. I know two: Woody Allen and Tim Burton. Two different textures, but both get to do what they want, and that's rare.

As a guitar player, I've been influenced by dance music - it was Crystal Method and The Prodigy back in the day. I would listen to those textures and try to approximate them on the electric guitar.

I think the book struck me in a few ways that I thought very interesting to pick it as my first martial arts film. It has a very strong female character and it was very abundant in classic Chinese textures.

I really value the skill and sensitivity of my collaborators, and I am really interested in - perhaps more so than if I was a male director - the hair, makeup and the textures of the fabric and the wallpaper.

Listen to the triple fugue in 'Magnificat' - the first subject is seven voices, the second one has 52 different voices, the third uses five; then I combine all together. Such textures you cannot call primitive.

Persian cuisine is, above all, about balance - of tastes and flavors, textures and temperatures. In every meal, even on every plate, you'll find both sweet and sour, soft and crunchy, cooked and raw, hot and cold.

Usually I'm very, very involved with choosing my character's wardrobe and knowing exactly how I want the character to look and this is the color palette and the textures and these are the kinds of shoes she'd wear.

Design, whether it's on your body or in your home, is the same thing. It's mixing different colors, different textures, and unexpected patterns - elements that you wouldn't often put together in an interesting way.

It's fun to use all of my range; there are so many different colors and textures that come out, revealing different parts of my voice. I know what my voice is capable of, and I try to fit it to each song, evoke a mood.

I just love details; I love trying to make the reader smell what I was smelling at the time and see what I was seeing. Textures, too - all that kind of stuff is probably my strong suit as far as my writing goes, I would say.

When I'm problem-solving with something, I have, effectively, a CAD program in my head that's like a room that has specific qualities to it that I go to some deal of effort to populate. Textures and smells, something like that.

Looking through the camera lens reduces noise; as humans we see a million shapes, colours and textures. What the lens does, what art does in general, is get rid of all the noise. It hones in and isolates the qualities of a scene.

I'm attracted to wilderness in any sense. Which is why I'm attracted to New York in a way, because I feel like it's a wilderness of people and textures. Just like, there's so much life and richness here. And you can get lost in it.

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