A job is a very healthy thing to do.

Quitting is the easiest thing to do.

Forgiving is not an easy thing to do.

The most difficult thing to do is drama.

The hardest thing to do is to trust people.

Getting typecast is a dangerous thing to do.

What feels good is often the wrong thing to do.

The right thing to do is to let the dust settle.

It's my favorite thing to do: luxurious nothing.

The most important thing to do is really listen.

I'm sure acting is a deeply neurotic thing to do.

Live by looking for things to do for other people.

Things to do today: 1) Breathe in. 2) Breathe out.

To this day writing is the most painful thing to do.

The best thing to do with water is to use a lot of it.

The most important thing to do before you die is live.

When you see the right thing to do, you'd better do it.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is just to stay human.

Plays never feel like the right thing to do at the time.

The thing to do in this lifetime is to create more merit.

The worst thing to do with success, is to boast about it.

Well, I don't like yoga. I've got a thousand things to do.

It's hard to explain and best thing to do is not be false.

The best thing to do with a bad smell is to get rid of it.

The decent thing to do is to get rid of some of this money.

I've got better things to do than read rubbish about myself.

sometimes the best thing to do is to pretend it didn't happen

The hardest thing to do is something that is close to nothing.

Swimming upstream in the music business is a hard thing to do.

The thing to do is to exploit the meaning of the life you have.

I don't plan to return. I have a lot of unresolved things to do.

Going to the gym wouldn't be on my list of favorite things to do.

I remain convinced that pardoning Nixon was the right thing to do.

Comedy is the most difficult thing to do. Easily the most difficult.

When you're 50, the best thing to do is dance the Argentinean tango.

Theater is the most enriching and thrilling thing to do as an actor.

There was nothing to talk about anymore. The only thing to do was go.

It's a wonderful thing to do an inductive study with our concordance.

I still like to save up and splurge. That's an important thing to do.

There are two things to do about the gospel. Believe it and behave it.

I got married because it was the right time and the right thing to do.

There's only one thing to do with politics, and that is to survive it.

Madness. I did not get myself born to die. I have better things to do.

I never felt being an actor or making a movie was an easy thing to do.

I have so many things to do today, I dare not ignore my time with God.

Looking back isn't going to help you! Moving forward is the thing to do

Always do what you feel deeply in the within to be the true thing to do.

The hardest thing to do as an actor is to be simplistic, and to just be.

Having an affair with an intern is just an incredibly stupid thing to do.

One of the hardest things to do when you launch a channel is find a voice.

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