Thirteen was my brother's number.

She's thirteen. Time will remedy that.

I have been acting since I was thirteen.

Thirteen years I took on this last book.

Only thirteen, and she knows how to nasty.

I started writing when I was about thirteen.

When I was thirteen I only wanted to be a drummer.

I came face to face with death at thirteen years old.

Not an insult sweetie. That was a thirteen word kiss.

My parents still treat Christmas like I'm thirteen years old.

I saw Led Zeppelin live for the first time when I was thirteen.

I became involved in photography when I was about thirteen years old.

I've been going to the same person for haircuts since I was thirteen.

Elvis lived here until thirteen and nobody can really take that from us!

Child. That was a terrible thing to say to anyone who was almost thirteen.

But, when I was about thirteen, I began to sort of sing in my neighborhood.

I was born in Massachusetts and lived there until I was thirteen years old.

I am beyond excited to be working with the BBC as part of the cast of 'Thirteen.'

When I heard Elvis and his 'Sun Sessions,' I went mad for it. I was about thirteen.

I like to make all kinds of movies. I'd do 'Ocean's Thirteen' with the right script.

In thirteen years, every aspect of the universe can change - ask a thirteen-year-old.

New York was an idea, I thought, an idea held simultaneously by thirteen million people.

I used to play 'Grand Theft Auto' when I was an early teen, between eleven and thirteen.

Squaring numbers are just like women. If they're under thirteen, just do them in your head.

If I had a dreamcatcher when I was thirteen, it would have spent many long days in the dryer.

Whereupon, at the tender age of thirteen, I set upon the path of playing nothing but hookers.

Actually, I was more or less determined to be a theoretical physicist at the age of thirteen.

Amazing, then, how with that one remark, he made a mortifying situation thirteen times worse.

There was a point in school when I was, like, thirteen, that I didn't feel comfortable at all.

At thirteen I began modeling, doing my first television commercial in ninth grade for Pizza Hut.

I got into the studio when I was thirteen. At the age of twelve I was doing public performances.

I had, by thirteen, developed a sort of Taoist hubris about my ability to control via non-control.

I got into rock music at thirteen, listening to Van Halen, learned how to play the electric guitar.

I've now been in this country for thirteen years, since I was seventeen. So this is my second home.

Thirteen, 13 children, and I love - I love them all. And I think I've been a good father to all of them.

I was a tomboy growing up. Even after I started modeling at thirteen, I didn't learn how to do my makeup.

When you're thirteen and listening to punk, the aggressive nature of music can sway you to the dark side.

Barry Goldwater has definitely decided to be a candidate in '64. He will campaign in all thirteen states.

At thirteen, when I arrived in Hong Kong after leaving China, I made a living by working in a restaurant.

All my friends started getting boyfriends, but I didn't want a boyfriend, I wanted a thirteen-colour biro.

Music's been a huge passion of mine since I was really young. I started playing guitar when I was thirteen.

In this year 1634, I purchased the moiety of thirteen houses in the Strand for five hundred and thirty pounds.

I started watching 'SNL' when I was thirteen or so; those were the Molly Shannon/Ana Gasteyer/Cheri Oteri years.

Thirteen sovereignties pulling against each other and all tugging at the federal head, will soon bring ruin on the whole.

In Denmark, you have thirteen or more political parties, so it's not too difficult to find a party who reflect your views.

If I have one, I'll have thirteen. No, there ain't no in-betwee. Cuz the more I drink, the more I drink, the more I drink.

it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl.

Starting with 'Thirteen,' my known technique is to cast the lead, then find someone with whom they have incredible chemistry.

When I was thirteen years old, I didn't exactly discover epic fantasy on my own. I acquired it as a social defence mechanism.

If you want a favorite book, Orson Scott Card's 'Ender's Game'. You'll be hooked. I think he's written like twelve or thirteen.

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