Threatened men live long.

Threatened folk live long.

Why do men feel threatened by women?

I threatened to kung fu you. Oh my God.

Only by ignorance is science threatened.

People are only mean when they are threatened.

I can tell when men are threatened by my height.

Humor disarms people. They don't feel threatened.

Being threatened seems to being out the worst in me.

I'm always shocked when people feel threatened by me. sanity threatened to take a holiday without me.

Men of quality are not threatened by women of equality

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.

Men tend to feel threatened; women tend to feel guilty.

Power people are generally threatened by authority people.

People who don't read books a lot are threatened by books.

War mages ordered, threatened and bitched. They didn't deal.

An Englishman, being flattered, is a lamb; threatened, a lion.

A godly man is never threatened by the gifts of a godly woman.

In America, the system itself of democracy is being threatened.

I had my life threatened by Bosnian Serbs on numerous occasions.

I think my mom threatened to put me up for adoption a few times.

Our security must be threatened in order for us to appreciate it.

We are threatened by the now so we jump to the past or the future.

I threw a strop one day and threatened to walk to Budleigh Salterton.

When we're threatened, it's very easy to appeal to our basic natures.

I'm always in favor of Israel responding strongly when it's threatened.

God is most certainly not threatened by science; He made it all possible.

My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it.

Women need each other. Be there for each other, and don't feel threatened.

Anyone who is secure about herself shouldn't be threatened by the ads I do.

When people feel threatened by you, they find something that is belittling.

Those who feel threatened by you or your success will seek to tear you down.

In the past, people worked together only when some great disaster threatened.

If any guy threatened her she'd probably suffocate him with her oversized tee.

When you are threatened, when your life is threatened, you have to fight back.

Slamdance actually is indie and rebellious. Sundance obviously felt threatened.

I am not made to be pulled into the public as a person. I feel threatened there.

If you get yourself killed, I'll find your grave and spit on it," she threatened.

All men are prepared to accomplish the incredible if their ideals are threatened.

Life is a precious gift - a gift we often take for granted until it is threatened.

When the public's right to know is threatened, all other public rights are threatened.

Men that aren't threatened by opinionated, faintly aggressive women are in a minority.

The world is not threatened by evil people, but by those who allow evil to take place.

There are some men that are very threatened by the fact that women play games nowadays.

The times I have tried to get close to someone resulted in me feeling threatened and weak.

Globalisation is happening so fast it's confusing for people, and tolerance is threatened.

There are more men threatned then stricken. [There are more men threatened than stricken.]

No politician is threatened by the child protective constituency, because it does not exist.

I know what it's like to be threatened. I know what it's like to be humiliated and targeted.

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