I had a great time on 'Game of Thrones.'

I'm still playing the game, having a great time.

Just think about the game. Think about playing great, having a great time. Helping my team win.

I think it is very important to spend time to help make people all over the world see how great a game hockey is.

Everyone wants to play in the fourth quarter, everyone wants to close the game. It's the most important time of the game, so being out there is great.

Over the course of the game, you can't let negativity get in your head. Any time a guy playing negative upon emotion, it's not going to be a great day.

The Super Bowl isn't for kids, I had a great time though and it was worth every nickel of it because by doing this lame piece about the game I can put it on my expense account.

I did a voice for this video game called 'Fallout 3,' and that was really fun. I had a great time, especially since I could show up in PJs and not have to worry about how I looked.

The great times are when you put a game on location and see others play it for the first time. After all, we are really kind of an entertainer. You perform for the joy of the audience.

Every time one can write a self-deluded song, you are way ahead of the game, way ahead. Self-delusion is the basis of nearly all the great scenes in all the great plays, from 'Oedipus' to 'Hamlet.'

Great players must always produce and at any time or in any game. Give them a ball and a pitch, and they will show what they've got. That relaxed, calm spirit you don't really have when you are young.

The great part of appearing on game shows is that when you answer a question the camera takes a close-up of you every time. You get more close-ups than in a movie, and that's terrific for audience identification. The people have to see you to like you.

I want to be one of the guys, but I also want to be 'the' guy, the guy that can go out there and they can rely on in crunch time. I'm going to be the guy that they know will show up every day, every game, every play and show up on a consistently great level.

I have seen some great players doing wonderful things, but being so decisive for so long over 12 or 14 years as a professional, I think no player, maybe only Pele in his time, has shown that level. He shows it in every game. I don't know how many hat-tricks he's had.

There's a lot of 'Game of Thrones' stuff used in a lot of pastiches. I don't know if I've seen a Lego 'Game of Thrones' yet, but there must be one. And there's an animated thing that's been going on for quite some time, and Littlefinger is a newsreader in it, and it's great.

I've had a great passion for video games for as long as I can remember. Growing up, 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' was one of my all-time favorites. My brother and I ran up quite a bill calling the 1-900 numbers for tips on those games before the Internet provided game guides.

About the time you think you are getting to know the moves in this game, someone comes along and does everything but undress you on the basketball floor. Standing there under the basket with your hands cupped - and finding that you don't have the ball in them - is a great little old leveler.

As far as routine goes, one of the things we talk about all the time is that if you have a routine that's great. But you can't be like married to it because the bus could break down on the way to the arena, you could get stuck in traffic, you may be sick that day and you may feel better by game time.

Coach Blatt's been great! He comes with a worldly dynamic and I think that's what our game has been lacking. He's coached and played all over the world, so his perspective on the game of basketball is kind of different from most traditional NBA coaches. But at the same time, it makes it interesting and exciting.

Mother's father and brothers all took great interest in pugilism, and they knew the game well from much practice of their own. They were never so much delighted as when I visited them with a black eye or a bloody nose, at which time they would be at the trouble to give cunning points as to how to meet an opponent according to his weight and height.

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