I'd love to play Hamlet.

Hamlet is a little daunting.

Every time has its own 'Hamlet.'

Hamlet is an astonishing intelligence.

You have to learn the language of Hamlet.

If I ever play Hamlet, it'll be in a dress!

I would love to play Henry IV, Henry V, and Hamlet.

I never want to see 'Hamlet' ever again! Never ever!

Hamlet is the result of Shakespeare's work on Brutus.

I'm as happy doing 'Postman Pat' as I am doing 'Hamlet.'

I would rather play Hamlet with no rehearsal than TV golf.

I'd love to play St. Joan or Hamlet, and hopefully I will.

'Hamlet' is a play about a man whose grief is deemed unseemly.

I've done classical theaters. I played Hamlet myself and Romeo.

If you look at it, 'The Lion King' is very similar to 'Hamlet.'

I played Hamlet, I played Chekhov and Ibsen and all the classics.

We remake 'Hamlet' all the time. That's sort of what we do, humans.

Anytime you create art, you create a mess. I mean, 'Hamlet' is a mess!

What if Shakespeare had had a test audience for Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?

You'd never play Hamlet if you started worrying about who's played it before you.

I don't think Hamlet is mad, nor is he predisposed to be a gloomy or tragic figure.

I'm just an entertainer. All I want to be is funny. I never aspired to play Hamlet.

I've got no pretence that I want to do 'Hamlet' or anything, I know my limitations.

Sibling relationships are complicated. All family relationships are. Look at Hamlet.

Macbeth is contending with the realities of this world, Hamlet with those of the next.

Visually speaking, nothing calls Shakespeare to mind like Hamlet holding Yorick's skull.

After the first 'Hedwig,' interestingly, I was offered to play Hamlet a couple of times.

The lowest period was when I was with Tottenham, and they loaned me out to Dulwich Hamlet.

'Hamlet' is a play of many strange parts, with ghosts and players, politicians and clowns.

Hamlet' is a real ensemble piece: you have to realise that he's just one part of the story.

There have been more books alone written about Hamlet than have been written about the Bible.

'Hamlet' is the most famous play in the world for a reason. The journey you go on is incredible.

Most actors are either a shower of bloody scruffs or think they should dress like Hamlet off stage.

I have no desire to play King Lear or Hamlet. I never had a grand ambition. I just followed my nose.

'Born to play? Hmmm. Probably Romeo... or Hamlet, I guess. Also, I'd be a great Alexander the Great.

I've played Hamlet and Coriolanus, Orlando in 'As You like It' and Ariel in 'Tempest,' among others.

Every young actor wants to do 'Hamlet' on the West End. Why? Because they can bring something to it.

Doing Shakespeare in the Park has always been a dream. Everyone else says Hamlet, but I want to play Romeo.

I still want to find some place to play 'Hamlet,' and if 'Far and Away' helps me do that, that would be nice.

Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he hadn't had an audience, and lines to speak?

'Hamlet' is so modern; 'Coriolanus' is utterly alien to our consciousness, and that makes it difficult for us.

I had a good theater career for years. I played Hamlet when I was 22, and I've played some really great roles.

I look forward to the day when indigenous actors can play Hamlet and Ophelia and not just Othello and Desdemona.

'Hamlet' is the best description of grief I've read because it dramatizes grief rather than merely describing it.

From the wrestling of his own soul with the great enemy, comes that depth and mystery which startles us in Hamlet.

The essential is to excite the spectators. If that means playing Hamlet on a flying trapeze or in an aquarium, you do it.

Shakespeare's 'Othello' was inspired by Cinthio's 'A Moorish Captain'; his 'Hamlet' came from Saxo Grammaticus's 'Amleth.'

The actor is too prone to exaggerate his powers; he wants to play Hamlet when his appearance is more suitable to King Lear.

We want to do for 'Hamlet' what Baz Luhrmann did for 'Romeo and Juliet' in terms of like a really cool kind of re-imagining.

You can do 'Hamlet' while performing cartwheels... as long as the audience sees your eyes - you can make the performance real.

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