I love video.

I love video editing.

I'm a video game buff.

I don't play video games.

I'm a big video game fan.

I play video games, dude!

I don't play video games.

Video gives people a voice.

I think all my videos suck.

I'm pretty bad at video games.

Video games are ubiquitous now.

I just wanted to make video games.

I paid for every video I ever shot.

My films do very well on home video.

Goat screaming videos are hilarious.

I play video games; I watch Netflix.

I've spent hours playing video games.

I didn't know much about video games.

It was literally like the video game!

I'm not a huge big fan of music video.

I'm the queen of the independent video!

I watch my YouTube videos over and over.

A good video can make all the difference

I occasionally watch provocative videos.

I don't take my clothes off in my videos

I do not click on random youtube videos.

Girlfriends, indeed: the anti-video game.

You wanna look pretty though, in my video

Don't just buy a new video game. Make one.

I play a lot of ultra-violent video games.

The heyday of video music was the mid 80's.

War is not some sort of Nintendo video game.

Sometimes videos make a bad song very tight.

Don't go to college. Make videos on YouTube.

I do regular kid stuff like play video games.

I live my life on TV - it's like a home video.

Video games lend themselves completely to 3-D.

I prefer to be in a video than to play with it.

Use your ears to record and your eyes to video.

'That's Not Me' video cost me 80 English pounds.

Make movies. Don't make videos. Videos are evil.

Apparently I had a boner in the acceptance video

Me, personally, I don't upload video to YouTube.

Most of my music videos were made for under $200.

I did my own music videos, my own TV commercials.

People talk about the All Woman video to this day.

I direct a lot of TV commercials and music videos.

Writing was not my medium. I preferred to do video.

Lip synching in a video is usually my idea of hell.

Actors wait tables, directors work at video stores.

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