Laughter nibbled at my lips like tiny fish in warm water.

I've been tiny since I was four, and I eat whatever I want.

Even a tiny step is one step closer to where you are going.

Small businesses are important, but so are tiny businesses.

Sport's hard: the margin between winning and losing is tiny.

I can report from the field with a tiny camera and a laptop.

Tiny Salmoneus of the air His mimic bolts the firefly threw.

Faith as tiny as a grain of sand allows us to move mountains.

A brand can have huge hype but still only be a tiny business.

I'm sure many writers have these strange, tiny little habits.

Everyone tells tiny lies, what's important really is the size.

You feel on your lips a kiss Fluttering, a tiny scrap of life.

A tiny radish of passionate scarlet, tipped modestly in white.

Tiny fists can hurt quite a lot when they hit you in the face.

I'm the girl that writes feverishly in my tiny trailer on set.

Anything which makes you feel tiny also motivates you to be big!

One way to compensate for a tiny brain is to pretend to be dead.

You are a drug dealer. To tiny faeries. Shame." Sanya to Dresden

Most of life is grey, with a little tiny bit of black and white.

Keep your expectations tiny you'll go through life not so whiney.

Some tiny creature, mad with wrath, is coming nearer on the path.

I actually built a tiny computer as a junior high school project.

Even if there's a tiny tiny chance, isn't that worth going for it?

A tiny remnant of a big thing is better than a whole little thing.

Very important to celebrate victories, however tiny, I always say.

It isn't very serious, I have this tiny little tumor on the brain.

When you reached the summit, you will see that you are still tiny!

All Scandinavians feel a tiny bit self conscious, of which I'm one.

The Earth is a tiny blue speck in a universe of unfriendly options.

It was a tiny sound but it woke me up because it was a human sound.

Don't be losing sleep over tiny things. Life is complicated enough.

The universe is not made up of atoms; it’s made up of tiny stories.

I was born and bred in a tiny, low-ceilinged ground-floor apartment.

I majored in Shakespearean studies at a very tiny school in Georgia.

I drive a tiny Toyota iQ. I'm quite frugal and often cut my own hair.

For a tiny person, I have a lot of confidence. No one messes with me!

A tiny apartment might hold three generations of an immigrant family.

I lived in a tiny Midwest town, so I was always looking for adventure.

And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time.

You can't become a history-maker stuck in tiny thinking. You just can't.

I get comments all the time about my weight just because I'm really tiny.

For me, Barca was where I grew up since I was tiny, from eight years old.

I was born with an adult head and a tiny body. Like a 'Peanuts' character.

So small, so blue, in grassy places / My flowers raise / Their tiny faces.

Every time you stand up for an ideal, you send forth a tiny ripple of hope.

I worked in IT for about three years for a tiny firm with ten other people.

As a precaution, we’re making machines extremely heavy with very tiny legs.

Life can be like walking on a high wire. Falling seems a tiny misstep away.

Carry on, then, if only for the moment that it takes a tiny galaxy to blink!

It's dizzying to think how huge the world is, or to realize how tiny you are

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