I make people step over the ant trail.

I could never resist the call of the trail.

It's the way you ride the trail that counts.

I want to leave my own legacy, make my own trail.

Vesco was always on the trail in search of money.

I walked the rainbow trail for a good number of years.

I only knew basic western trail riding. Nothing fancy.

I have never been on the trail of developers or contractors.

Comey has left a trail of suspicious activities in his wake.

What you see on the campaign trail is me. It's easy being me.

I really care about leaving a trail of goodness wherever we can.

In a word I was a pioneer, and therefore had to blaze my own trail.

I don't like following in people's footsteps; I like making my own trail.

I've been around the block a lot and I've had a merry trail for 55 years.

To score four times against an Italian team when you trail 2-0 is a big deal.

Some games work well as straight patches, but 'The Trail' wasn't one of those.

I've been on the campaign trail so long, some of my wine has turned to vinegar.

The trail of dating sites relying heavily on Facebook is littered with failures.

I'm not just a biker. I trail run. I have no problem with heights. I'm a thrill seeker.

We were now arrived at the close of our solitary journeyings along the St. Joseph's trail.

Donald Trump has advocated violence - I saw him do it several times on the campaign trail.

There is no reason for women to trail behind men in social, economic, and political outcomes.

I used to think I'd like to have been a pioneer on the Oregon Trail, experience untamed America.

In 2004, I joined my father, John Kerry, on the trail in his bid for the United States presidency.

I am more proud of Hillary Clinton's alt-right speech than any other moment on the campaign trail.

If I had to make a choice for the Hall of Fame... I would have gone in as a Portland Trail Blazer.

My wife and I drove across America following the Oregon Trail, which the pioneers once passed along.

If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail.

Surfing and trail running chill me out. I like reading, too. And playing my guitar - I wish I were better.

It was essential to do this job, hateful though it was, because we knew the Germans were hot on the trail.

I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.

For some reason, every time I peak in my career, I injure myself. So, I'm constantly on the comeback trail.

I love having a front-row seat on history, whether that's a White House briefing room or the campaign trail.

I'm not very social when I'm off the promo trail, because I step into wife and mother mode. It's very reclusive.

On the campaign trail, candidate Trump occasionally raised the idea of creating 'safe zones' for Syrian civilians.

When I got to Hollywood, there wasn't even a Boulevard. I'm that old. It was just a little dirt trail. I'm kidding.

I was on the campaign trail for 18 months. I never got a question about the District of Columbia in South Carolina.

It is amazing to me that so little is still known about the Trail of Tears or the lives of the Cherokees themselves.

I have no doubt that the lies Trump told on the campaign trail will come crashing back at him in karmic retribution.

We have our own ocean, we've got a great bike trail - I love riding all the way to the turnaround at Hollywood Beach.

No memory is ever alone; it's at the end of a trail of memories, a dozen trails that each have their own associations.

My son and I discovered Parkland Walk with the Beavers, a gem of a trail from Highgate to Finsbury Park in north London.

Being a minority athlete in this sport, it's been wrought with challenges, but I wouldn't consider myself a trail blazer.

Actually, after many years on the campaign trail, there is not a particular food that I've come across that I would avoid.

Some political spouses are much more comfortable on the campaign trail than others, and they take to it a lot more naturally.

Boris is a naturally energetic and optimistic politician. And when he goes on the campaign trail that just becomes so evident.

I think anyone who lays a long trail of creative work over the years can't help but look back and wonder, 'What was I thinking?'

When I'm on the road, I eat like I'm on the third day of a hiking trip all the time. I'm eating beef jerky and trail mix constantly.

Like Barack Obama's father, Trump's mother was an immigrant. But Trump doesn't often bring up his Scottish ancestry on the campaign trail.

A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.

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