I'm not gonna lie: I was not a big 'Star Wars' geek.

Emotions may win arguments, but they don't win wars.

I was such a 'Star Wars' fan. That was my generation.

'Star Wars' is different to anything I've done before.

I liked 'Star Wars' as a kid. I liked science fiction.

The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars.

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.

Who wouldn't want to be in 'Star Wars?' It'd be great.

I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I lost my Darth Vader watch.

Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die.

All wars are planned by old men in council rooms apart.

Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later.

It's very weird when people you know are in 'Star Wars.'

I thought Star Wars was too wacky for the general public.

Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.

'Star Wars' is more fairy tale than true science fiction.

I think national pride leads to nothing but wars and hate.

Let's remember, the CIA's job is to go out and create wars.

I'm a peaceful creature; I'm vegetarian. I don't like wars.

Wars breed unfairness, just as they breed collateral damage.

When American presidents prepare for foreign wars, they lie.

I don't see any holy wars being fought in the name of Satan.

What is the Geneva Convention on wars! I have never read it.

I love 'Empire' - it's my favorite of the 'Star Wars' series.

I've been around the 'Star Wars' universe from the beginning.

I can't remember a time when I wasn't inspired by 'Star Wars.'

The American people are sick of our failed regime change wars.

I was not interested in spending 10 years in the culture wars.

Wars teach us not to love our enemies, but to hate our allies.

'The Clone Wars' was rooted in George Lucas and his characters.

'Kitchen Wars' makes 'MasterChef' look like a walk in the park!

All wars are follies, very expensive and very mischievous ones.

I was a total sci-fi geek. 'Star Wars' was my ultimate favorite.

Wars are expensive and dangerous. They're not political winners.

All wars, even the noblest, bring a reckoning of means and ends.

We are all tourists in history, and irony is what we win in wars.

Wars without military objectives have a tendency to go on forever.

As a kid, 'Star Wars' was much more my thing than 'Star Trek' was.

I liked 'Star Wars,' but I wasn't an uberfan like many people are.

'Star Wars' was the mythology of my youth. I longed for adventure.

I tell you, man, I'm every bit as a 'Star Wars' fan as anyone else.

The first time I saw 'Star Wars,' I got so excited that I threw up.

'm a general, I do something. I go out and fight wars and win them.

I saw 'Star Wars' when I was seven years old, and it changed my life.

Middle age snuffs out more talent than ever wars or sudden deaths do.

I was lucky to have been a seven-year-old kid when I saw 'Star Wars.'

If peace only had the music and pageantry of war, there'd be no wars.

I love doing the conventions and being an ambassador for 'Star Wars.'

I didn't see 'Star Wars' in theaters until George Lucas re-tweaked it.

History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen.

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