Without God, who am I? Nobody.

Who am I to say CM Punk is a joke?

Who am I to blow against the wind?

God forgives us... who am I not to forgive?

Who am I - Canada's Rodney Dangerfield? I get no respect.

Where would I be without baseball? Who am I without baseball?

I had to figure out at 61 years of age: 'Holy moly! Who am I?'

Who am I to sit here and say I'm going to change the face of music?

Cinema is a temple and who am I to say which person deserves entry?

I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?

Who am I to tell people what to do with their own careers and how they're doing?

Myths give us our sense of personal identity, answering the question, 'Who am I?'

If someone comes up to me and asks for an autograph or picture, who am I to say no?

You have to figure out 'who am I?' 'What do I want to do?' 'What do I want to say?'

For a while, I thought a lot about lineage. Where do I belong? Who am I standing next to?

Of course I work hard. Why shouldn't I? Who am I to think I should get things the easy way?

I have two children who died before reaching 30, so who am I to complain about being alive?

Identity is part of drama to me. Who am I, why am I behaving this way, and am I aware of it?

But if people will laugh at my work and keep a sound roof over my head, who am I to complain?

I don't have a problem with Hulk Hogan. People say things and do things, and who am I to judge?

Obama is for same-sex marriage. If the president is saying that, then who am I to go the other way?

There's something safe about playing a character, but then it's like, 'Who am I underneath it all?'

Everything when you're a teenager is a projection. Or at least, for me, it was. 'Who am I gonna be?'

A lot of girls in L.A. just stand in the corner wondering 'Who's gonna talk to me? Who am I gonna diss?'

Who am I, really? I prefer to leave that up to the observer, because I will never finish answering that.

People have always asked me, 'Haven't you wanted to sell out?', and it's like, who am I going to sell to?

Any time you have to move in two days, it's crazy. It's like, 'Who am I going to get to take care of my cat?

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?

A character wandering around asking, 'Who am I?' isn't, in and of itself, a story I'm interested in telling.

At least when you're acting you can be someone. In front of the camera you have to be yourself. And who am I?

Who am I to say anybody can't do what they want to do and create their own destiny if they believe in something?

What a liberation to realize that the 'voice in my head' is not who I am. 'Who am I, then?' The one who sees that.

Who am I, if I'm not this singer with big high notes? I identify with my voice. But I'm more than just the acrobatics.

Who am I just to give up on track? This is something I've dreamed about since I was 9 years old, being an Olympic champion.

I think, no matter who you are, at some point in your life you've probably said, 'OK, well, who am I, and where do I fit in?'

I don't write songs thinking about formats, where is it going to get played, who am I gonna please, what's the outlet for it.

Who am I to pass judgment? Judgment has been passed on me, but I adhere to, 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.'

Without a musket to raise, a barricade to storm, a flag to wave, the question hit me in the face like the cold air: 'Who am I?'

It is not the question, what am I going to be when I grow up; you should ask the question, who am I going to be when I grow up.

I'm not a sexist. I believe if a man can to go work all his life, a woman can. Who am I to say, 'Don't do that because you're a girl?'

Every guy has his own style and his own way of sharing his feelings and love for a woman. Who am I to judge whether it's right or wrong?

Religion survives because it answers three questions that every reflective person must ask. Who am I? Why am I here? How then shall I live?

If one person reaches out to me, who am I not to reach back? Even if it takes me a year to reply, they do get that message and they feel it.

I saw a lot of people asking who am I dating. It's not that I ever wanted to hide it from anybody, but it's not something to be talked about.

Who am I, of course, to judge them, but the Premier League must urgently think about a rest period in a European Championship or World Cup year.

Private unions, such as the UAW, is a choice between employees and employers. If that is what they want, then who am I to say you can't have it?

People keep saying Balachander discovered me. I differ. He invented me. When a stalwart like him suggests that I act in films, who am I to refuse?

I think you will find that a lot of young African-Americans are really searching for, 'Who am I?' and 'Where did I come from?' and 'What is my past?'

Who am I that I have to sing under an umbrella? These people are my fans, and if they can stand in the rain to hear me sing, I can stand in the rain.

I went through it in high school. It's like, 'Who am I? Am I good enough? Is my background good enough? I know I'm different, but do I have a voice?'

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