There are no I's in we but there are two i's in Wii.

I'm the only one who was predicting the Nintendo Wii would beat Sony's PlayStation 3.

I work out. I'm getting toned, too. The Wii Fit really works your body. When I get off, I'm dying.

I'd much rather have the consumer buy a Wii, some accessories, and a ton of games, vs. buying any of my competitor's products.

Hold up." Leo stepped forward, wagging his Wii controller. "Did you just call my a ship a monstrosity? I KNOW you didn't that.

As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.

Today, if you don't understand the controller, you're not able to enjoy video games. ... We expect the Revolution controller to become the standard in video game controls.

I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of new titles from Nintendo in January and February but please understand we will have new titles to offer from March onward.

Except for its backward compatibility with existing Wii software and accessories, we have so far failed to make propositions worthy of Wii U's position as a successor to the Wii system.

With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We're making plans so that this type of thing won't happen.

Somebody asked me what I thought next generation meant and what about the PlayStation 3 was next generation. The only next gen system I've seen is the Wii - the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last, but pretty much the same game with incremental improvement.

Right now, we continue to see demand at very strong levels. It's tough to find a Wii now. If we hit 100 stores in the area, we would find Wiis in only 20 percent of them today. That tremendous strength we had in December really wiped the pipeline clean. Our pipeline, the retailer pipeline. And so with that kind of demand, it doesn't suggest the need for any pricing actions.

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