I'm toned, but I'm not cut. I like a little jiggle!

Skincare is what's going to help you look fresh, plumped, and toned.

I toned down my accent at school; otherwise, people would pick on me.

I realize my arms aren't as toned as Halle Berry's but I don't want them to be.

I think Ryan Reynolds has a fab physique: he's not bulky but nicely toned and proportioned.

I work out. I'm getting toned, too. The Wii Fit really works your body. When I get off, I'm dying.

I love being toned and having muscle; it's so sexy and beautiful. And I owe it 100 percent to yoga.

I want to promote a healthy lifestyle where I'm toned, I'm not too skinny, I'm the weight I want to be.

I like that my body is in shape and toned, and isn't too muscular. I feel I still have a woman's physique.

I notice now, whatever character in whatever movie you're watching, they have these toned arms and muscles.

In musical theater you have to be very big and very animated, while film and television are more toned down.

I write about real people in disguise. If anything, my characters are toned down-the truth is much more bizarre.

Female athletes are supposed to be toned down. You're always supposed to talk about the team and never stand out.

I'm just naturally quite toned. My dad was like a body builder, so I've got my dad's body. Not all of it, thank God.

I eat healthily, I do ballet and exercise, and I'm toned and tight, but I take up space, and I don't aspire to anorexia.

A toned backside truly anchors your physique and can make the difference between jeans fitting and jeans really fitting.

An actor has to be a complete package, he should have a toned body, know how to dance, act and do everything possible under the sun.

Once you are trained in the international martial arts, your body and mind become toned permanently. You can take on any action role.

When I first came to India from Sri Lanka, people were surprised to see my toned arms. I had come right after the Miss Universe pageant.

Since a lot of dance movements begin and end with the legs, there is a lot of attention drawn to them. The more sculpted and toned the better!

I feel the pressure to be toned, yeah, and everyone's going on about the thigh gap, but I like food more than exercise, so I'll just carry on that way.

I love doing air squats or jump squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, burpees, crunches - all the basic stuff, but it's all you need to do to keep it toned.

I always think, look at how people were before they were pregnant. If you were a toned, healthy, energetic person, most likely you will be like that again.

I was always superthin, too skinny, actually. I felt like someone could break me in half. I realize now that being a bit more curvy and toned is so much more beautiful.

My strengths are my flexibility from all those years of dancing. I have got nice thin arms and slim legs, which both looked really toned and tight after one day of working out.

So when you enjoy the beats, the rock music - maybe even toned down with an orchestra - you are enjoying the spirit of the black race. And that's what I emphasize to the students.

I want to get fitter. And yes, I'm learning hot yoga to get a bikini body. I don't believe one has to sport a size-zero figure to flaunt it. One just needs a fit, sexy and toned body.

I hate running. I know I'm curvier - I know I'm small, but I'm not ripped. But I make a choice to be that way. I realize my arms aren't as toned as Halle Berry's but I don't want them to be.

If I do a film and have to get naked, that tends to dictate how often I go to the gym. Acting in 'Richard II' on stage was a huge physical workout, so I ended up more toned than I normally am.

To me, that's the most exciting aspect of Pilates. It doesn't matter who you are - athlete or couch potato, toned or flabby, man or woman, young or old - you can do it. Every body can benefit.

My exercise varies from yoga to Pilates. The yoga provides me with achieving my balance and mental relaxation, whereas the Pilates allow me to work my inner core through stretching and keeping my muscles toned.

It's not just the light weights that give a long toned look with the Tracy Anderson Method, it's using the body in different rotations while contracting and releasing the muscle, causing it to stretch and lengthen.

I look at a lot of my fights and I'm like, 'man, that was too greedy.' I can even look back on my fights, even the good ones where I got the knockouts, and think, 'I should have probably toned it down a little bit.'

As lightly toned by reality as the women on 'Sex and the City,' the bold, soigne characters on 'The L Word' suggest that L is also for limerence, that rapturous state of early love when the entire world is glowing and delectable.

For the longest time, Indian women have been okay with being curvy. But I think the modern Indian woman needs to get toned. I don't endorse being thin. Anorexia and bulimia are a reality in India because everybody wants to be thin.

The CW is a very fashion-oriented network and they like their stars to look a certain way. I like that, but at the same time, I need Nikita to be toned down a bit. You can't draw too much attention to Nikita because she's an assassin.

Video games seem to be mostly a boy thing - viewed by young boys and created by big boys. I believe that if more videos games were created by women, the violence in these games - especially against women - would be rapidly toned down.

I think you have to remember that the people that are really muscly and toned at the gym started somewhere. You have to remember that they didn't always look like that, so when you're in there, don't look at them and feel intimidated.

I think bare legs in winter are idiotic. Unless your naked pins are toned, tanned and veinless, it's best to cover up. There is nothing more elegant in winter than dark tights worn with matching knee-length boots and a belted trench coat.

There were times when I tried to hide my muscles. When you're a young girl, you hear, 'You're really strong,' or, 'You have really toned arms.' In my head, it wasn't something that should be said about a girl. It should be more, 'You're pretty.'

I was an athlete growing up. I did a lot of sports: soccer, basketball, so I was always so used to hardcore training, a lot of running. I got to a point where I felt like I just wanted to get toned; I didn't need to shed pounds, so now I do Pilates.

If I have to be at work at five A.M., I will get up at three and work out. I run. I do weights. I'm very toned. I'm like every other woman. I'd love to be 10 pounds or 20 pounds lighter. If I'm not, I'm OK with that, too. I'm good as long as I'm healthy.

'The Simpsons' from the very beginning was based on our memories of brash '60s sitcoms - you had a main title theme that was bombastic and grabbed your attention - and when you look at TV shows of the 1970s and '80s, things got very mild and toned down and... obsequious.

I skate a lot with my shirt off, so working out has always been important to me. I almost have as much fun working out as I do skating. And seeing your body change, and seeing yourself get bigger and more toned and cut, makes a big difference in how you feel about yourself.

The 'All My Children' studio was near Lincoln Center, and I used to see all the ballerinas and the dancers, and I thought, I don't want to bulk up; I want to have long, lean, toned muscles. And I found out that through Pilates, you can achieve those strong, lean dancer muscles.

Whenever you're looking at new ways to get in shape, first you have to decide what you want. Do you want a more muscular look, or do you want to slim down and appear more toned and ripped? I adapt my training and diet with each role I do, depending on the image I want to convey.

My downtime tends to resemble my uptime. Weekends are workdays, but toned down. Over the whole weekend, I may have five meetings, as opposed to six on a weekday. I used to play piano for 30 minutes at night, but I had to pull that out of my schedule. I don't have time for nonwork stuff.

I never want to shame anyone. I love going to the gym, and I feel proud and fit. That, for me, is aspirational. There are things you can do in a very healthy, natural way. This is how I work with my body to make it the best I can be. That's the shape that I have, just toned and tight. That's my preference.

Most of my work in New York has been on new musicals. And all through the preview process, they throw you new songs, new lyrics, new choreography, new scripts; you're constantly getting new material. You might get it in the morning and put it in the show at night. It happens every single day, so those muscles are pretty toned.

I had a client who was getting ready for the Oscars, and all she ate was one meal a day - of two boiled eggs! I was able to persuade her to add some almonds and a protein shake and some vitamin supplements. It's a self-defeating strategy. You need to eat enough, particularly protein, to build lean and toned muscle in the first place.

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