Winning is fun and great, but I would rather have a long, successful and healthy career than a short one with a few wins.

I've said this: If Jim Leyland had been in my place, he'd have the 2,000 wins and I'd have 1,000. Leyland is the greatest.

In every election in American history both parties have their cliches. The party that has the cliches that ring true wins.

You don't think about the cold weather. I'm just going to go out and play ball, do the best I can, and hope the team wins.

It is rarely the quick fix that goes the farthest. So don't get tempted by political cycles and the lure of electoral wins.

Gerrard is passionate, and he leads from the front. At times, he has lifted Liverpool to great wins almost single-handedly.

Nobody wins or loses a match; it's the team that wins or loses. You have to be looking to contribute towards the team goal.

In my experience, yelling at people that they are wrong and disgusting rarely wins the argument, nor changes point of view.

I write a lot of my music, but not all of it. I have always subscribed to the 'best song wins' theory when making an album.

One of the things I learned playing on a good team is when the team wins, when you make the playoffs, everybody looks good.

I've directly contributed to losses, but likewise, I'd like to think I contributed to a lot of wins and a lot of good play.

I'll even miss the Patriots fans in Foxborough, and they should miss me, because they sure did get a lot of wins off of me.

You have to learn to be a healthy competitor, winning or losing. Because there can be a lot more losses than there are wins.

Wins and championships - I want it all. I want there to be no doubt who I am. I want there to be no doubt that I'm a winner.

I still believe that even though 'The Empire Strikes Back' is better in innumerable ways than 'Star Wars,' 'Star Wars' wins.

You keep on balancing and balancing and balancing until the picture wins, because then the subject's turned into the picture.

You benefit from deep inner belief of having wins behind you, so you get to the table, and you know you're not going to miss.

I think about what I've accomplished and my career. I care about how many wins I have and whether I'm accomplishing my goals.

It's changed from one-hit wonder to 'Greg Rutherford wins events.' That's what I've always wanted, that level of recognition.

Everybody goes through ups and downs and wins and losses, bumps in the road, and I don't let anything like that slow me down.

It is one thing to err on the side of caution. Equally, Test wins have to be earned. They are seldom handed to you on a plate.

It's those difficult times that inform the next wonderful time, and it's a series of trade-offs, of events, of wins and losses.

It is the hopeful, buoyant, cheerful attitude of mind that wins. Optimism is a success builder; pessimism an achievement killer.

If Trump wins, I think the whole thing is going to blow up, and we're going to start over, and that's always a good thing to do.

It didn't work out for me at Golden State, in terms of wins and losses. Still, I tried to exhibit what a competitor is all about.

The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.

Pachinko, like all gambling, is rigged. The house always wins. It's a central metaphor of life. It's rigged, but you keep playing.

I'm in my best moment, seven straight wins, five by submission, two by knockout. I don't ever leave it in the hands of the judges.

I had a lot of stats in college, and they didn't count for wins. So whatever it takes to win football games is the goal that I set.

I think about all my successes and failures, and sometimes the failures stick in your head as much as the wins. But you do move on.

Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins.

When an underdog wins, they win for everybody, because somebody gotta come through that door and break it open and make it possible.

The biggest players I've seen are the ones that take the wins well - don't get carried away with them - but the defeats really hurt.

What wins a fight is training hard, working hard, and that's what I do: Train hard every time. Being pretty or not is not the point.

I learned from Mr. Wrigley, early in my career, that loyalty wins and it creates friendships. I saw it work for him in his business.

Even if AAP wins municipal elections we will continue to demand probe into EVM tampering because it threatens the base of democracy.

Trump is part of the reason you are suffering. Trump is the one playing on the not-so-level playing field where he wins and you lose.

Award season is such an exciting time of the year and I enjoy seeing who is nominated, who wins and - like most women - the fashions.

Sometimes in the Champions League, I don't think it's always the best team that wins it. It depends on how you play on a certain day.

When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception.

When people say to me, 'You're like the Anna Kournikova who wins,' I definitely take it as a compliment, because she's quite gorgeous.

I think when you're a very good defensive team - it's very rare a team wins a championship when you're not a very good defensive team.

One major should not get you into the Hall of Fame - maybe one major and 40 wins. I'm not gonna pick a guy with one major and 11 wins.

You take wins where you can get them because they're not easy to come by. You win at the major-league level, and you've done something.

I have dreamed of Brazil all my life. As a child, I had videos of Brazil, of their World Cup wins, of Pele, and of all the big players.

What can you say to someone like me? When you've got 19 world championship wins, it's almost like you're cursed because you're too good.

Whether we win 60 games or not, you build your habits back and get better that way. It may not be 60 wins, but you get better as a team.

I have developed a nasty habit of losing to the guy who wins the tournament, and that alone makes you think what you could have achieved.

I think you have to enjoy the wins. If you're not enjoying the process, there's a problem. You're not doing it for all the right reasons.

I look at that 10 PGA Tour wins, and I say to myself, 'That's not enough,' and it isn't enough for me. It's just 10. I want more than 10.

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