If they did recast the Wolverine part, I'd be well up for it.

Likewise, I see no shame in writing Captain America or Wolverine.

I think Batman has the Wolverine problem. I think he's overexposed.

First favorite character growing up was Spider-Man, second was Wolverine.

Deadpool was intended, as Cable was, to be tied into Wolverine's history.

For me, I was never really obsessed with Luke Cage. My obsession was Wolverine.

All of the 'X-Men' characters really intrigue me. Wolverine is my favorite character.

I do believe that in the future there will be a movie called 'Deadpool vs. Wolverine'.

If I had my way, I'd love to see 'Wolverine' in a cosmic adventure all by his lonesome.

Anybody who knows me knows I'm a Marvel fanatic. I have Wolverine tatted on my right arm.

I'm a huge Marvel Comics fan, and I'm a huge 'Wolverine' fan, I like the 'X-Men' comic book.

I just really want to work with Hugh Jackman because he's Wolverine. That would be so awesome.

I was supposed to do 'Transporter 2,' 'Wolverine.' But I couldn't do it because UFC was in the way.

When I was a kid, I liked Superman. When I got a little older, I liked Wolverine. And then I found girls.

There are a lot of stories I remember with 'Wolverine.' 'Days of Future Past' is one that jumps out in my mind.

When I got my first glimpse of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, my breath caught. In that single instant, he was Wolverine.

I never read too many comic books when I was growing up, but I think everyone loved Wolverine, you know what I'm saying?

When you dance, your body just wants to find its natural weight. I'm naturally a lot more Tommy Tune than I am Wolverine.

There were so many amazing comic books. Like I was around for the original Frank Miller/Chris Claremont 'Wolverine' miniseries.

'Magneto' believes that 'Cyclops' and 'Wolverine' both serve a good purpose. But he believes the help they provide only goes so far.

I learned a lot doing 'Wolverine,' and I was also very fortunate, in the sense that I got to do a huge number of visual effects shots.

I was very attracted to doing 'The Wolverine' in Japan because that's my favorite chapter in the story of Wolverine. But I'm not a superhero guy.

My father-in-law has ear hair like a wolverine. It fans out from the auricles, wafting from the ridge lines like cilia, like gray feathered plumage.

Now I meet people with full-color Wolverine tattoos on their backs. Thank God I did okay, because I think if I hadn't, they'd spit on me in the street.

I don't know if I'm quite grizzly enough. My facial hair is still very thin and patchy. I feel someone who plays Wolverine potentially needs testosterone in abundance.

What's nice is between 'Wolverine and the X-Men' and 'Thor,' I get to write two very different kinds of stories. Both of them really seem to scratch some itches for me.

It's absolutely physically demanding to play the role of Wolverine. There's a lot of action, and I try to do as much of it as I can because it's better for the audience.

I grew up on comic books. 'X-Men' was my favorite team; Wolverine was my guy. At 8 years old, I dressed up as Wolverine with Adamantium claws that I made out of aluminum!

The mutants I like - Wolverine. The action heroes I like, they have weapons; they are more visceral. So I filled the comic with characters like that, and we got big results.

I've been combing through the Wolverine archives and advertisements from the sixties and seventies. I'm looking to take inspiration from designs of the past and bring them into the future.

Over the course of my entire Wolverine career, I went from being a single guy to getting married and having kids, and I think you can see that progression in the way that I treated Wolverine.

There was a whole display set up of all the X-Men paraphernalia. My wife couldn't resist telling this 5-year-old boy that I was Wolverine. The little kid looked up at me and he was staring at me.

This is the world we live in, isn't it? Tons of spin-offs; people reboot things very quickly. I was amazed how quickly they made a Wolverine movie, then, 'Let's do another origins Wolverine movie.'

When you're playing an icon like Wolverine, it's sometimes better to be someone that nobody knows because they don't know what to expect. I don't mind a little bit of anonymity; it helps on the subway.

My character in 'Batman v Superman' isn't supposed to be Japanese, but director Zack Snyder said he'd seen me in 'Wolverine' and had to get me in the film somehow. Hearing that was like music to my ears.

Overall, I'm happy how 'Original Sin' has come together. It's an amalgam of all I've done at Marvel, mixing the gritty, violent 'Punisher Max' stuff with the zany, light-hearted 'Wolverine & The X-Men' work.

The two most exciting things for me to get to work on 'The Wolverine' was getting to work with James Mangold, the director who directed '3:10 to Yuma' and 'Walk the Line' as well as getting to work with Hugh Jackman.

But the key thing was that I knew of no other contrast between Wolverine as we understood him and Logan than you see in his behavior as a roughneck Canadian versus classical samurai society. That's the dichotomy in his soul.

My foundation mainly works in Chicago, and the city needs a lot of help. I'm glad that was able to be incorporated into what I'm doing with Wolverine. It's important to keep one foot firmly planted at home and try to benefit my people well.

Wolverine is a world-weary old warrior. His rage issue notwithstanding, I see him as someone with the tortured soul of a poet, but one who has seen too many friends and lovers die. Even with that, he has grown into a leader and a true hero.

I was attracted to the comics because of the characters and, particularly, Wolverine because he is so complex. He is so damaged and tragic in many ways - he doesn't have his memory. His body was invaded. He has unrequited love for Jean Grey.

I was chosen for 'Wolverine' because there weren't any other Japanese actresses available who could speak English. With 'Batman v Superman' and 'Hannibal,' I got the roles as a result of previous work I'd done, not just because of my nationality.

Comic book fans have loved Wolverine, and all the 'X-Men' characters, for more than the action. I think that's what set it apart from many of the other comic books. In the case of Wolverine, when he appeared, he was a revolution really. He was the first anti-hero.

I do a lot of voice over for Japanese anime titles as well as live-action stuff and original stuff from the States. 'Legion of Super Heroes,' 'New Wolverine: The X - Men' animated series, 'Afro Samurai' and some live-action stuff, TV shows here and there - I like to mix it up.

I want to go at least 11 hours without food. I sat next to Hugh Jackman at a conference, and he told me he fasted 12 to 14 hours when he was training for the Wolverine movies. I've deluded myself into thinking I can effortlessly achieve the same body type as Hugh Jackman if I keep up this eating schedule.

As far as actors who pop up again and again in Japanese dubs, and because they're really good actors, people like Steve Bloom, not only in 'Cowboy Bebop,' but also he's sort of the de-facto Wolverine. If you're doing an animated Wolverine anything, Marvel usually just goes to Steve first because he's recognized as that voice.

I have done many movies that people hadn't seen. 'The Fountain,' I spent a year on that. 'The Prestige' with Chris Nolan, and 'Australia.' From my perspective it's very satisfying. Some movies people see and other movies they don't. 'Wolverine,' 'X Men,' I know that in some level people know me just for that and it's fine for me.

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