Michael Cera was born in Canada in 1988 at the tender age of zero.

I have zero morals about television. I just want to be entertained.

Zero-sum thinking is an obsession of mine, but mostly in economics.

A politician plus zero is not equal to zero; it is something minus!

I have no interest in vegetarians whatsoever. Zero. Less than zero.

If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.

We're trying to make money, trying to add a zero onto our net worth.

I lean toward a flat tax. But I want to make it real flat, like ZERO.

We all start with zero. We all start at the beginning. Do not give up.

The muscle and the mind must become one. One without the other is zero

Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.

I'm never going to be a size zero and, to be honest I don't want to be.

Anyone who loves the concept of Zero Harm obviously has nothing to love

You play crotch roulette, you're gonna hit double zero once in a while.

'Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.

Football is a funny game. Today, you are zero; tomorrow, you are a hero.

All of us start from zero. We take the right decision and become a hero.

Whether I'm a hero or a zero doesn't really matter. It's all perception.

If you’re at zero backlog, it’s a whole lot easier to change priorities.

It is the public which turns a raja into ''rank'' and a hero into a zero.

My own self-consciousness cries out to me coldly: how does one love zero?

Some of the worst selfies I've ever seen are at Auschwitz or Ground Zero.

There is a remote tribe that worships the number zero. Is nothing sacred?

On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

A points-based system like Australia has zero Islamic racial immigration.

I have a zero tolerance for sanctimonious morons who try to scare people.

Except for a few small presses, most publishers are north of Ground Zero.

What works with your skin and eyes? Use that to zero in on your wardrobe.

If someone sees me with what looks like a beer, it's always zero per cent.

There is no relationship in life that comes with the promise of zero pain.

If you are equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero knowledge.

I wasn't the greatest reporter in the world, but I wasn't starting at zero.

My wife is a size zero and eats more than I do, and I'm a 6'4", 225 lb. man!

The safest nuclear power or energy policy is to realize 'zero nuclear power.

The safest nuclear power or energy policy is to realize 'zero nuclear power.'

Real space movies have to involve zero gravity and a world without up or down.

Everybody values their train, but they want to zero-out other people's trains.

The average hedge fund manager is going to earn zero per cent in extra return.

The prestige of the international financial institutions rates less than zero.

I have no hesitation doing children's movies. Zero. And I don't even have kids.

The individual incentive not to commit crime on Wall Street now is almost zero.

My vision is a blend of the old school and the new school, but with zero rules.

I don't have to be a size zero anymore. But I still want to feel and look good.

Space and spacecraft and zero gravity and so forth are very difficult to render.

I bought stuff at 3.5 cents once and I thought it can’t go down to zero. It can.

The discussion of derivatives in the political world has become a zero sum game.

There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.

I'm winning even if I have zero pence in my bank account, because my mind's free.

A creative idea plus a fresh network is the best way to go from zero to millions.

I don't know anything about music theory at all. Zero. But I don't really need to.

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