I don't find it distracting to be me.

I've tried writing with music on, but I find it distracting.

I don't listen to music when I write - I find it distracting.

Being such a big band is never a problem but it can be distracting.

I write in a noisy, distracting world so the books can be read there.

Silence and solitude are more distracting to me than chatter and commotion.

Really, I think of fame as distracting; it's something you have to get around.

I don't read reviews. I find them very distracting, whether they're good or bad.

I wish no teams had cheerleaders. I find it more distracting than anything else.

Still, I tune out the visual input when it is too distracting, mainly in conversations.

Distracting a politician from governing is like distracting a bear from eating your baby.

I keep my eyes closed a lot when I'm singing because sometimes it's distracting to see people.

I can tell you from experience that when you get that pent-up and crazed, it can be distracting.

I like to record records in Los Angeles. It's less distracting than New York, where I was based.

Everywhere, I see it's just 'Manny, Manny, Manny.' It kind of gets a little distracting at times.

When people are infected by my charm, they don't see my size. My piercing deep blue eyes are distracting.

Unless it's done superbly, as in the Japanese film Gate of Hell, color can be a very distracting element.

I find music distracting - it takes me out of my head. What I love so much about skiing is the peacefulness.

How do I use my platform? How do you join in a way that is useful and not distracting and not shining a light on you?

I'm a go-getter. It's in my DNA. If I spend a lot of time lamenting on the difficulties, then it could be distracting.

When I'm in heavy-duty writing mode, there's something great about reading a series. Soothing, but not distracting too much.

In a sense, fictional dystopias have been a way of distracting us from the truth of our condition by placing it 'over there.'

I feel that nudity can sometimes be quite distracting and take something away from a film because we're not used to seeing it.

I think some of my colleagues' spicier lines are distracting. They draw attention away from what the justice is trying to say.

I was really talkative as a child. The priest used to pray for me not to talk so much because I was distracting the other kids.

For years, successive Arab dictators have tried to keep discontent at bay by distracting people with the Israeli-Arab conflict.

I'm a big believer in 'Trojan horses' - There are certain themes that are more palatable when wrapped in something fun or distracting.

I find it personally distracting when kids are constantly texting, but they can be texting something that is just benign and just fine.

It's too distracting to read about yourself. You want to be perfect and you want everyone to love you, and that's never going to happen.

I wouldn't say I have a lack of fear. In fact, I'd like my fear emotion to be less because it's very distracting and fries my nervous system.

There are schools that have rules against afro puffs. They say it's distracting. But nobody is saying that about a little girl who has ponytails.

Fundraising is a long and distracting process, and by the end of it, all you want to do is go back to building the product that you're working on.

Even the lesser burdens of a criminal investigation - including preparing for questioning by criminal investigators - are time-consuming and distracting.

I used to do Facebook but you get a little too wrapped up in that stuff. Its more distracting than anything so I don't any more. I left it behind. I detoxed!

I'm around my father all of the time, so the things that people see as distracting are things I've seen for years on a daily basis. It's second nature to me.

I was really not into school. Everything was distracting to me. I would have a beat in my head or a song. I was always not paying attention, just daydreaming.

Tech companies are distracting, dividing and outraging citizens to the point where there is little basis for common ground. This is a direct threat to democracy.

I think you don't need to add anything into your life to be more intuitive, it's more a matter of taking away things that are distracting us from being intuitive.

I don't listen to music when I ski - I find it distracting - but I will sing to myself before I go to just get my mind out of what I'm doing and relax a little bit.

People spend an enormous amount of time in their inboxes, compulsively checking, and it's slow, distracting, and inefficient. It's almost a counterproductivity tool.

When I go to do a show, it's my time; it's all about me. You've come to see me. You haven't come to see me if you're in an armchair watching a video. It's very distracting.

Not being able to play makes one be able to listen and receive better. The constant noodling on guitar can be great, but also distracting to the universal music inside you.

A lot of times I make people better by getting stupid, distracting, bureaucratic stuff off their desk. That's an incredibly easy way to make a senior person more productive.

I feel social media can be very distracting, unhealthy, and harmful to one's self-confidence. I don't even log on to it on my phone except when I post something on Instagram.

Idleness is a constant sin, and labor is a duty. Idleness is the devil's home for temptation and for unprofitable, distracting musings; while labor profit others and ourselves.

For a long time, I would write without music, because I thought it was distracting until I appreciated that it actually unlocks a certain unconscious productivity vault in my mind.

I think a lot of humor is about distracting yourself. Pretend you're not trying to make it funny. Because for some reason the effort to be funny smells like sulphur in our culture.

Big productions, to me, are great - like, I love going to Vegas and seeing shows - but I think that sometimes it's distracting, especially when you are there to listen to the music.

Whatever happens, if I don't make any plays that game, hopefully I can have an effect where I'm distracting two or three blockers, or I'm getting my hands up so I can bat down balls.

I would go through these cycles of being really, really focused on work, and not being around anyone, to being around everyone. And that could be distracting. It was nothing or everything.

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