The stage is my love, it's where I started and where I do my best work.

I'd love to work with Charlotte Flair; she's the best athlete in our company.

Fall in love with the work you do - that is the best way to make everything last.

I love music so much I love what I do. I work very hard at being the best musician I can be because I love it.

It's the best, being able to work on so many different things I love. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing.

I'm very organized - and the best thing - when you love your work, you don't mind putting in 15 hour days. It's joyful.

When I call 'Action,' I love to be surprised. And the actors I've been fortunate enough to work with always surprise me in the best ways.

People who are exposed to great Wonder Woman stories love her. You have to do your best work and get it out there so people can experience it.

I love Punjabis. My best friends are Punjabis. They are such big-hearted people, such happy-go-lucky people that work doesn't feel like work with them.

I would love to write a song with the Everly brothers. But it's probably best not to work with someone you admire: they'll just show up your inadequacies.

I love playing baseball, and I always promised myself, if I had the chance, that I would work as hard as I could to be the best player I could possibly be.

Just make things, and find people you love working with. If you're working on something you truly love and are passionate about, you will do your best work.

To me, the best love songs work on two - maybe three - different levels, where you're talking about the person who you're right opposite, and all the people like that.

I get scared of such love where people come out of the theatre and say, 'This is the best work of Anubav Sinha till date.' I feel the pressure and wonder what will I do next.

I love the opportunity to help my patients, to work with them to find the best course of action to get them healthy and to give them the information they need to stay healthy.

If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you - like a fever.

The thing I really love about film is there's a really big sense of teamwork, and everyone has to do their job to the best of their ability to make the film work in the first place.

Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world.

I'm a Tom Brady guy to the fullest. I love the way he manages the game, his mindset. He always works with less. He doesn't always have the best receivers, but he's going to make it work.

I learned from Van Morrison and BB King that the first take is the best. It's about capturing a moment. It's the same as love's first kiss. If you try to do it again, it doesn't work so well.

In the gym, people's enthusiasm tends to get the best of them. They realize this is their opportunity to say hello or that they love my work... It doesn't matter how profusely you're sweating.

I used to think that if I did my very best work, then everyone would love it, but I've realised that not everybody thinks the same things are good. It took me 30 years even to begin to see that.

There's nothing like working with the best actors possible, and if you have a piece of material like, 'Long Way Down' or 'Love Punch,' which allows you to play, then it's just a joy to go to work.

If you just work on that one thing that's, like, important to you, that has been supportive of you, who has been loving you all this time, if you are able to see that, then that is your 'best love'.

Television is where the best work for women is right now. I would love to do more movies, but the reality is women have many more opportunities on television to play a greater variety of characters.

You can always work around this, that or the other, but if everybody's in there because they love it and they just want to do it the best they can, that's an ideal situation that you don't always get.

A lot of labels always feel the need to tell you how they think the music should be marketed and what songs work best where. I say make music you love doing, come up with a strategy, and put it out there.

Billy Barnes signed me and got me my first role in an interracial love story filmed in Atlanta called 'Together For Days' with Clifton Davis. My mother thinks it was my best work. You cannot find a copy of it.

For me, my country comes first. Nothing else matters but my country. I always felt that the best way to express your patriotism is to spread love, and that's all I ever tried to do through my work and my cinema.

The best of Johnny Lever's films are 'Baazigar,' 'Kareeb' and 'Love Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega.' I just love his work in 'Baazigar,' where he plays a servant and tries to hammer a nail on a wall and is unsuccessful.

What drives me as a player? I don't know. I wake up and get out of my bed and I show up to work. I don't know. I couldn't tell you what drives me. I love what I do. I've got the best job in the world, if you ask me.

I have always said I want to work harder so I can develop, learn, grow, and improve. I love to play football, and when I come on the pitch, I want to do my best to help the team. It's up to the coach the position I play.

I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demanded the best that I could bring to it.

I'm a huge Muppets fan. Gigantic. I think they're genius. I think they're some of the best work out there and completely underrated, just because of how genius they are. I love that kind of humor. It's so innocent but brilliant.

It's my goal to help actors achieve their best work, and I think I speak the same language as actors, so I understand how they do it, and I just love being able to create the playground in which they build their beautiful sandcastle.

Television, for me, is great because I love to act, every day. I love to work that muscle. I love to learn, and I love to be able to just do what I love. It's when I'm at my best. So, I love TV for that reason because it's every day.

I believe in soulmates, yes, but I believe you also have to work at love. I happen to believe your soulmate doesn't have to be your partner - your soulmate could be your best friend, your sibling, it doesn't have to be the person you marry.

When I wrote 'The Rozabal Line,' I had no preconceived notions of what a commercial bestseller should be. I have always viewed 'The Rozabal Line' as my first love and probably my best work. The fact, however, is that it is my least read work.

I love my wife and I know she loves me. We're best friends. We're just lucky to have found each other. It takes a lot of work but I just feel very blessed that I found the right person. It's a very fortunate situation and not everyone has that.

The best ideas are those that really affect me emotionally - those are the ones you never forget. You think to yourself, 'I want to write that book', for years; those are the ideas that I love to work with, and 'The Bone Garden' was one of them.

Some people would call me a workaholic. I don't consider this time: I just love my work so much, so it's my real hobby, OK? And, yeah, getting some play during working hours for which you are paid is the best job I can recommend for anyone around!

I love being on 'Smackdown.' I feel like there is so much more opportunity, and we get to tell such fun, interesting stories. Everyone wants to work together to create gold - it's the best locker room I have ever been in throughout my whole career.

You got to keep all your weaknesses away, and my weakness is women. I love women too much. Which has definitely road-blocked me. I just try my best to channel my energy to other things and remain focused while making my work as fun as everything else.

I don't like to diet, so I work out with a trainer a few times a week. We do kickboxing and strengthening - it's hard! I also do yoga and love to walk everywhere. I live in Brooklyn, so walking is the best way to discover the city and the neighbourhoods.

There are loads of novels that I really love, like Haruki Murakami's books, and when I read them, I do think about how they would work as an anime. But I do believe that those are great books because they work best as novels, or great manga work best in that form.

Each time I'm starting to work on a film, even if I love to settle the plot in the real world, I start to think about the plot as a fairy tale, or a dream, or a nightmare... As if it was the best way to tell the truth about characters or narration, instead of realism.

I love sleeping in my son's silly racecar bed. I love watching hours of 'Yo Gabba Gabba.' I love long playdates with his best friend Jack and traveling with Zev. Most of all I love coming home from work and seeing Zev run up to me saying, 'My mommy's home! My mommy's home!'

I love Chicago, but in a lot of ways it's a disappointment. You can work there for years and years, and because you're in Chicago, you don't get the recognition. It has some of the best theater in the country, but when they shoot a movie there, they bring in all their actors.

I certainly hope they let me make another 'Doctor Strange.' I would do it in a second. I love this character. It's been the best filmmaking experience of my career; I work really well with these guys. It was a rewarding, collaborative process that I would do again in a second.

Kids take work, effort, love, blood, sweat and tears and are a full time job. You have to commit, for better or worse and then give your all and hope for the best. The one thing you can never, ever do is give up and say, 'Oooops, never mind, my bad, you can take this one back!'

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