Wit is the lowest form of humor.

At my lowest point, I found cooking.

Sarcasim is the lowest form of humor.

The boughs that bear most hang lowest.

A newspaper is the lowest thing there is.

He found me when I was at my lowest point.

At my lowest I was making nothing, of course

At my lowest I was making nothing, of course.

The highest condition takes rise in the lowest.

Even at my lowest I was sittin on my high stool.

Making people laugh is the lowest form of comedy.

At my lowest point, I was nearly $700,000 in debt.

Morale is at the lowest point since I've been here.

My lowest point in football? Probably leaving United.

If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest.

Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.

Necessity takes impartially the highest and the lowest.

But of all footmen the lowest class is literary footmen.

Rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education.

A lot of films seem to go to the lowest common denominator.

When you start a business, go for the lowest hanging fruit.

This sport gives you the highest highs and the lowest lows.

I don't connect accessibility with lowest common denominator.

An actor is most vulnerable at the lowest point of his career.

Having only wisdom and talent is the lowest tier of usefulness.

Radio football is football reduced to its lowest common denominator.

The lowest common denominator of the universe is both low and common.

A pun is the lowest form of humor, unless you thought of it yourself.

Nobody would want their lowest moment to be filmed for the world to see.

The 2012 payout will be the lowest in our history: well below 50 percent.

Being the lowest one on the totem pole is sometimes the fun part to play.

I got paid 20 grand for my first film. And that's the lowest I ever got paid.

The Obama economy has led to the lowest labor force participation since 1978.

The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better than shooting in Tibet.

The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better (than shooting in Tibet).

A common price isn't the lowest price. It will most obviously be the highest price.

What happens in the Senate is the Republicans sink to the lowest common denominator.

I think puns are not just the lowest form of wit, but the lowest form of human behavior.

The human race is ill because we have no contact with the lowest level of consciousness.

The animated books pay the lowest rates at the Big Two and you can forget about royalties.

The lowest period was when I was with Tottenham, and they loaned me out to Dulwich Hamlet.

I'm so lucky that I've always been able to laugh about things, even at my very lowest times.

I'm particularly good at turnout. So in my district, I had the lowest voter turnout in 2006.

With President Trump, we've seen the lowest ever African-American and Hispanic unemployment.

I have the faith that even at my lowest points, there will come a silver lining through faith.

The worst thing you can do after a test screening is slash it for the lowest common denominator.

When I was at my lowest, Tom Cruise reached out to me. He believed in me when other people didn't.

It's true in life, as in the movies, that the greatest highs are often followed by the lowest lows.

Some of my lowest points were the most exciting opportunities to push through to be a better person.

It is in all our interests that the government, when buying goods or services, pays the lowest price.

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