A tax is something people pay out of income.

Nudity isn't something people should take offense to.

'Silence Of The Lambs' was not something people expected me to do.

Going into politics is something people have asked me about forever.

When you're confident about something, people can't bully you about it.

Something people might not know about me is, I like playing the guitar.

Scarcity is a good sales tactic if you are selling something people want.

I want to create new value by doing something people haven't done before.

Sex is a big question mark. It is something people will talk about forever.

I was, in my first season, second top scorer, which is something people forget.

Ninety percent of leadership is the ability to communicate something people want.

I always wrote. My parents are writers. It just seemed like something people did.

The exhaustion of old age is something people who are younger don't fully appreciate.

Climate change isn't something people get to choose to believe or not: it's happening.

My music is just me, something people are gonna turn up to; the girls are gonna dance.

We must take care that globalization does not become something people become afraid of.

This is something people don't realize about me, but I can laugh - and laugh at myself.

I guess that's what art is: Turning something painful into something people can relate to.

Movies are something people see all over the world because there is a certain need for it.

A lot of what Groupon is generating is demand for something people didn't know they wanted.

God forbid I do the 'Electric Slide' at a wedding or something. People would lose their minds.

There are a lot of different elements in play when you're remaking something people care about.

Sugar and chocolate, anything that boosts your serotonin levels, is something people, I think, crave.

This is a country of strong beliefs. Just because some two people say something, people don't bow down.

Unfortunately for governments like that of Iran, when they forbid something, people become more interested.

As I found again and again as a writer, when you're completely honest about something, people respond to that.

The core of Wikipedia is something people really believe in. That is too valuable for the world to screw it up.

Soccer matches should be something special, something people eagerly look forward to, something that brightens life.

The holidays are a way to get away from the pain of the year, creating something people can laugh at. That's a gift.

Whenever you do something, people try to re-do it and do a better version, especially if they're in another country.

I was not confident about my hair before films happened. But today, my hair is something people like the most in me.

The way to build billion dollar companies is to first build something people love. There isn't really a shortcut there.

I just want to be part of something people can watch with their family at 8 P.M. on a Sunday night, and be proud of it.

The first time I used 'Viva La Stool,' I was just bragging about something. People grabbed it, and it went viral organically.

In your career, to walk away champion of the Greatest Royal Rumble would be something people will take with them for a lifetime.

I am incredibly cynical, and I don't think that's something people would guess. People think I'm all positive, but I'm a skeptic.

I think there is something about luxury - it's not something people need, but it's what they want. It really pulls at their heart.

Music can feel empowering, or it can give a natural emotional voice to something people can't express. This is why it's beautiful.

I'm very weak in a sense. I'm very tiny and I am very emotional, and that is not something people usually associate with strength.

I don't buy any leather goods or anything made from animal products - no down, nothing. It's something people should be mindful of.

Anybody that's been through a divorce, and I hope it's something people never have to experience, it's the worse thing in the world.

What is important to me is that when I write something, people listen to me. I provide my wisdom to people, whether they agree or not.

I made a deliberate choice to write something people would enjoy, not knock people out with 'Boy, he can really put a clause together!'

I was very fascinated by the time when firearms went from being fire sticks to being something people could use to hunt and to survive.

I'm going to try to make happy songs or some political songs, like 'A Country Boy Can Survive' - something people can get excited about.

I think sometimes when I go to make a move on something, people try to disqualify any talent that I have or any hard work that I've done.

You hope that when you're playing someone possibly unsympathetic that you can bring them something redeeming, something people can hang onto.

Something people don't recognize is that being on the space station is probably a lot like being in some kind of confinement - like isolation.

It has to be something people prioritize - it should be the number-one priority: representing all types of beauty, all types of shapes and sizes.

I was blessed enough to know that I wanted to be a filmmaker when I was a kid, the first time I realized that that was something people did for a living.

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