My whole life people underrated me.

I've been having people doubt me all my life.

Most people settle in life, and that's not me.

All my adult life people have been helping me.

All my life, people have been underestimating me.

I've spent my whole life with people underestimating me.

In life, I'd much rather have people laughing at me than booing me.

I've gone through my whole life caring deeply what people think of me.

People care about my fame, not me. But that's fine. I have my own life.

I've had more life experiences than most people that are older than me.

Luckily for me, people don't scream at me that much in my everyday life.

All my life I been doin' what people tell me to do. Now, I'm telling them.

The key lesson for me: Don't make this life about you. It's about other people.

Yes, I had to learn how to live life outside, but I had so many people help me.

That's something I've struggled with my entire life - people underestimating me.

So many people supported me through my public life and I will never forget them.

Many young people even tell me that 'You inspire us to do something big in life.'

People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life.

I've spent all my life playing roles that illustrious people have played before me.

My entire life I've proved that I'm able to overcome people's negativity toward me.

People say I'm the Beatle who changed the most, but to me, that's what life's about.

When people ask me what the most important thing is in life, I answer: 'Just breathe.'

I'm not a mean person, so it kind of hurts when people are mean to me, but that's life.

A lot of people don't think they can count on me, but I've never missed a gig in my life.

When people ask me silly questions about my private life, I just say, I don't discuss that.

I learned a lot in my life by paying attention and listening to how people around me worked.

People don't know very much about me. They do not know what really goes on in my private life.

When I'm on tour, people see me in one way, but in normal life I doubt people even recognize me.

The idea that people in novels should be more sympathetic than people in life simply baffles me.

People have asked me about doing an autobiography, but I don't think my life is that interesting.

There are some people who only know me for cornflakes ads, and that's fine. I have a charmed life.

I think being authentic online and living my life so openly allows people to actually relate to me.

Luckily my own life is uncomplicated, which lets me really enjoy other people's complicated messes!

My parents really wanted me to get out of New York, be exposed to other people, other ways of life.

I have no interest in anybody's life that way so it defeats me why people go to that length to pry.

I've had a wonderful life. What people are going to write about me 10 years after I'm dead - who cares?

If people see anything I do and the way I live my life, there is no ambiguity about me being a feminist.

I think it's so flattering that people would even give me enough attention to know about my private life.

I want to be able to enjoy my life to the fullest so I can add something to the lives of people around me.

People say to me, 'Would you like to swap your life with me for 24 hours? Your life must be very strange.'

The people who know me know I'm extremely private or try and be as private as I can with my personal life.

It's the bane of my life and my existence, people telling me to be a little more succinct with what I write.

I just don't know how to deal with so many people giving me that much affection. I never had that in my life.

My whole life, meeting people is like a blind date, because I feel like they've already seen the video on me.

I acknowledge that I'm really fortunate to have found pockets of people all through my life who've accepted me.

I have devoted my life to serving the people of New Jersey and am forever thankful for all who have stood by me.

I felt alien my whole life, but I didn't feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender.

I've crossed paths with so many different people from all walks of life. Any situation you put me in, I can manage.

What strikes me about high-school reunions is the realization that these are people one has known one's whole life.

I have a very intrusive life, I guess you could say. I think that a lot of people know too much about me, truthfully.

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