If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it ...

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved.

I like winning races.

Elliott Sadler races really clean.

Poverty affects people of all races.

Most women's races don't pay much at all.

Music is beyond races, beyond territories.

You don't win NASCAR races without ability.

People go to car races to watch the crashes.

I do celebrity ski races all over the world.

There is always the excitement of running races.

Twenty races is a tough season. It's a long year.

Later in life, I'd like to end up doing air races.

I'd like to have some good races and score points.

I've always loved hot rods and going to drag races.

I do a lot of races for the cure for breast cancer.

I've been through so many different political races.

Can the U.S. support two Formula 1 races? I think so.

Life doesn't give you all the practice races you need.

We're not separate races. There's only one human race.

I think, of course, all senate races are national races.

I found longer races boring. I found the mile just perfect.

Was not from a mixture of two races that the Titans sprang?

Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.

Singapore is one of my favorite races, and the city is great.

With less and less races people will want to take more risks.

I go out there to do my best week in and week out to win races.

America's a melting pot, all races, cultures, religious choices.

My idea is to win all the iconic motor sport races in the world.

My family was very, very receptive to all; all races, religions.

I have since wandered among men of many races and many religions.

If I knew I couldn't win races, I would have stayed in the States.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform, go out and win races.

I try to respect everybody around me, especially at speedway races.

The best thing I can do is keep advertising myself by winning races.

There's truth in comedy, and that resonates with people of all races.

You know, the Monaco Grand Prix is the grandfather of all street races.

I'm the guy that can play all the different races and get away with it.

I was invited to a couple of races, but I was doing a play in New York.

I lost races because I wanted too much to win them in beating my rivals.

My mother never watches the start of my races - because she fears for me.

There are only two races on this planet - the intelligent and the stupid.

Everything can change pretty quickly in Formula One in two or three races.

Races and nations are thus ever ready to believe the worst of one another.

I would like to run about 15 stock car races a year. That would be my goal.

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.

I don't believe in frontiers, and I don't believe in races or nationalities.

It's too bad American electoral races aren't as transparent as NASCAR races.

I love street races; there's something about racing in the middle of a city.

Fans all have their memories of pennant races, good memories, sick memories.

Every driver wants to compete in races - that is what we are all driving for.

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