God is limitless in His love, and asks that we at least make the effort to be limitless in ours.

We shouldn’t come up with a pseudo-spiritual excuse for turning away from the pain of the world.

It is not too late. You are not too old. You are right on time-And you are better than you know.

Everything connects to everything; therefore, as we change, the world cannot but change with us.

The role of a leader is not to rule over other people, but to hold a space for their own genius.

Sometimes we think, "We're the only people who see it this way," but that's really not the case.

Spiritual 'exercise' keeps your mind in shape the way physical exercise keeps your body in shape.

Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write a new one.

Imagine the most outrageously positive possibility for your life, claim it, and consider it done.

The transformation from body identification to spirit identification is the purpose of our lives.

Every ending is a new beginning. Through the grace of God, we can always start again. (Page 120.)

Dear God, I surrender this thought to you, for I would see the miracle that lies behind it. Amen.

The purpose of daily prayer is the cultivation of a sense of the sacred. Sacred energy renews us.

Think of your career as your ministry. Make your work an expression of love in service to mankind.

Physical circumstances have very little to do with either our capacity to love or to attract love.

Forgiveness is 'selective remembering'--a conscious decision to focus on love and let the rest go.

Our problem is not that we don't have power, so much as that we tend to not use the power we have.

A threat to our freedom is a threat to our freedom, whether from a terrorist or from a trade deal.

Most women I know are priestesses and healers... We are, all of us, sisters of a mysterious order.

People sometimes see an image and without knowing the surrounding patterns draw false conclusions.

Some pain is simply the normal grief of human existence. That is pain that I try to make room for.

I think you have to grieve the loss of youth before you can claim the joy on the other side of it.

The goal of the spiritual activist is to find inner peace even in externally chaotic circumstances.

If we never take a risk, we'll never know the parts of ourselves that would have emerged if we had.

Some of the most patriarchal thinkers I know are women. Some of the most feminist thinkers are men.

A change of heart leads to change in behavior, and a change in behavior leads to changing the world.

Whether we love, or close our hearts to love, is a mental choice we make, every moment of every day.

To look to God is to look to the realm of consciousness that can deliver us from the pain of living.

Midlife is not the time to disenchant ourselves. It's a time to turn on all our magic in full force.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.

Charisma is a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects.

No company or organization filled with unhappy people will ultimately rise to its highest potential.

Many times in life, we say we want change but are then terrified when the opportunity for it arrives.

In every heart there is an inner room, where we can hold our greatest treasures and our deepest pain.

Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self.

No matter what mistakes we might have made yesterday, today is the day we can retrieve our innocence.

Often faith isn't hoping that good times are coming; it's trying to see that the good times are here.

Anyone seeking a real solution in Israel and Palestine rejects the us-versus-them mentality entirely.

Politics in America is like stale bread. It's so yada yada that the best among us can hardly stand it.

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. When you choose to love, you choose to work miracles.

If you give your life as a wholehearted response to love, then love will wholeheartedly respond to you.

Capitalism has been really good to me. I'm very fortunate: I have written books and my books have sold.

I'm proud to say I was part of a movement in which we sang 'All You Need Is Love' at political rallies.

Pray for Trump's sanity and clarity, because his power to cause real damage to our country is enormous.

You label somebody 'New Age,' and that's automatic mockery: 'She cannot possibly be a serious thinker.'

We don't reach the light through endless analysis of the dark. We reach the light by choosing the light.

I can't say that there are "things" that make me come alive. There are thoughts that make me come alive.

I have heard it said that living out of our vision is more powerful than living out of our circumstance.

People who hate often do so with great conviction. What we need are more people who love with conviction.

The word "politics" comes from the Greek politeia which had to do with the citizenry, not the government.

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