Love. Is it just a word that boys use to manipulate girls?

Love is honesty. Love is a mutual respect for one another.

...personal torture instructor...I mean physical therapist.

You know you can do more, but everyone expects you to quit.

Who knew Lenny was an encyclopedia for useless information?

Whether it's right or wrong, fight for what you believe in.

What are you gonna do if I break one of your *&^%$ing rules?

I believe in lust at first sight.And attraction.But not love.

If you can't share with your friends, who can you share with?

Thing is, I don't like ties. I like to big margins.

And I’m yours,” I tell him. “Forever and always and then some.

Sometimes I wish there were do over years or fast forward days

I don't deserve you. You know that, querida, don't you? (Alex)

Stop focusing on the bad stuff because life is too damn short.

It's as if I'm taking away his pain and he's taking away mine.

There's a point when you have to stop fightin' the whole world.

Mr. Latino with the big ego got bested by a ditzy, blond bimbo.

Running should be saved for the times when you're being chased.

I tried writing adult romances, but it just didn't fit my voice.

The threat of taking something away makes us appreciate it more.

I can't sleep. Too many thoughts running through my useless head.

If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat.

Trust me, he whispers against my lips. Maggie, you're my paradise.

Secrets she'll take to the grave and secrets she's dying to share.

I don't want to end up like my mom. That's my biggest fear in life.

I guess we're all a bunch of mismatched couples - that actually fit

I'm losing control."-Brittany Mamacita, I've already lost it."-Alex

I don't want to always be 'the best I can be.' I just want to be me.

There are no rules to attraction. Jake is nothing like who I wanted.

Don't be afraid to be unique. Love yourself before you love another.

Unfortunately, real life can’t be wrapped up with a nice little bow.

You can run from some problems, but then you get caught up in others.

the scary part is that people don't realize how much they've changed .

I write edgy, sexy teen romances, and that's what I'll continue to do.

Don’t try and make me feel better, Alex. I hate you.” “I hate you, too.

Sometimes we have to prove to others we're strong even where we're not.

NO PDA,school rules. And besides she's my partner dickhead." said Alex.

I've never seen anythin' sexier in my life, and she's not even naked yet.

Our lie is like a cancer that's spread to every single area of our lives.

How funny it is that the most unlikely person sometimes becomes your ally.

I wonder if it's medically possible to be addicted to another human being.

Gettin' near the fire, chica, doesn't necessarily mmean you'll get burned.

You are the one girl that made me risk eveything for a future worth having.

You can’t keep her.” I know that. But I’m not ready to give her up just yet.

Guys are control freaks and hate when other people know what's best for them

I eye Chuy like a pitcher in baseball does when a guy leads too far off base.

If any guy threatened her she'd probably suffocate him with her oversized tee.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but they think each others stink.

Sometimes moving on takes effort. Sometimes moving on is harder than it looks.

Truth is, it's a relief to finally put my life in the hands of someone I trust.

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