Shut your damn mouth.

Carpe every damn diem.

You're too damn selfish!

Oh its real, its damn real

I am damn good with money.

Never saw one worth a damn.

I cook some damn good eggs!

Oh it's TRUE, it's DAMN true.

My dear, I don't give a damn.

I don't give a damn about MVP.

It's those damn critics again.

Live now; be damn'd hereafter.

No damn man kills me and lives.

Damn everything but the circus.

And for an apple damn'd mankind.

I don't give a damn what I wear.

I was a pretty damn good waiter.

I don't give a damn about trolls.

Any damn fool can be spontaneous.

Anything easy ain't worth a damn!

I drink to not giving a damn . . .

I make pink look pretty damn good.

I feel like saying 'Damn the Law.'

Damn all false dichotomies to hell

Easy reading is damn hard writing.

Any damn fool can predict the past.

With faint praises one another damn.

I don't give a damn about my record.

I don't give a damn about Hollywood.

I'm intact, and I don't give a damn.

I don't give a damn if I go to hell.

You can’t trust those damn Catholics.

Improvise. Write your own damn story.

The common damn'd shun their society.

I am a dyke! And I'm damn proud of it!

I am The Game and I am that damn good!

The body is a damn hard thing to kill.

I pretty much moisturize all damn day.

I am a stickler for damn good writing.

And I really haven't done a damn thing.

I'm damn proud to be a Seattle Mariner.

I've had malaria damn near eight times.

Damn wind shift sudden as a woman mind.

Damn the age. I'll write for antiquity.

I didn't know a damn thing about style.

I don't give a damn about the civilians.

I don't give a damn about semi-radicals!

Life's too damn funny for me to explain.

History is one damn thing after another.

Good reading makes for damn hard writing.

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