I am the young, edgy New Yorker.

Hollywood is a pretty edgy place.

I think people like watching edgy things.

Humor that is edgy is never squeaky clean.

I guess edgy things tend to get my attention.

You can be edgy without showing off your boobs.

If I had to define my style, I'd say edgy sleek.

If you round out your edges, you lose your edge.

Hip-hop for me has always been hardcore and edgy.

I had a gothic phase, and now I'm more edgy chic.

I wanna sing about something that's sexy and edgy.

I would like to do something a little bit more edgy.

I like to be stylish and edgy, but also low maintenance.

I've done a lot of films that all have been pretty edgy.

Sometimes I'm girly; sometimes I like to be a little edgy.

I consider my music edgy, urban and with an earthy element.

With 'Rachaa' I get back to action. It has very edgy action.

A lot of the stuff I am now seeing is edgy, raw kinda material.

I definitely feel like my blog is going edgy to broad and boring.

I have an attitude. It's what I do. I'm edgy. I have an attitude.

I like films that are edgy, provocative, non-formula and original.

There's something very edgy about Bill Murray out there improvising.

I write edgy, sexy teen romances, and that's what I'll continue to do.

I like when the ice gets thin, the going gets rough, the guests get edgy.

It's easier to be cynical and edgy and tough rather than overly emotional.

Yeah I think Pitch Black was edgy, I think that's what worked for our film.

My personal style can be everything from girly and flirty to edgy and chic.

Myspace was always a bit edgy. People identified it with edginess and music.

I apologize that I made an attempt to be funny and edgy… and it didn't work.

I feel like I'm edgy and I'm funny and I got this bite, this outrageousness.

You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism.

Describing yourself as edgy is one of the least edgy things a person can do.

I gravitate toward edgy, intense, dark films that just grab you by the throat.

I do love getting dressed up, but sometimes it's glam and edgy mixed together.

I like very girly, retro inspired, feminine, floral things. I'm not very edgy.

I like wearing things that other people wouldn't want to wear, to be a bit edgy.

I really want to do more mature, artistic, twisted, edgy films. That is my goal.

My stand-up is clean; it's not too edgy. I've played it safe since the beginning.

I like that New York sensibility where you can be edgy, but still super-glamorous.

I like to think I have good morals, but I still have a little bit of an edgy side.

I like to dress in edgy black leather and denim, but I like a wide range of things.

The Arabic music I listen to is extremely edgy. Ironic, sarcastic, sensual, erotic.

I like beauty to be a bit edgy, not typical. For me, the only rule is looking good.

I like things that are avant-garde, but at the same time I can also go downtown edgy.

My years on 'SNL' had reconfirmed that what I do best is play for a sort of edgy comedy.

Netflix is so amazing because they take chances. They'll take a risk, be edgy, be quirky.

I'm not an especially highbrow person, but I have always loved small, quirky, edgy movies.

Sometimes I feel edgy, sometimes I feel like I want to wear a bright, bold beautiful color.

I am that guy who will say things that people seem to think is a little edgy, a little racy.

People have maybe, sometimes, said that I can, occasionally, be a teeny bit edgy and judgmental.

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