You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.

NATO isn't going to be concerned about fishing.

There is great freedom in simplicity of living.

Prayer is a concentration of positive thoughts.

Idiots can be defeated but they never admit it.

For every young person I meet, I learn an idea.

I did not run away, I walked away by daylight….

We do as much, we eat as much, we want as much.

I can't do nothin except try to find cloud nine.

When I tweet, I'm mostly preaching to the choir.

We need other human beings in order to be human.

Forgiveness is abandoning your right to revenge.

You must show the world that you abhor fighting.

More voices means less trust in any given voice.

So long as women are slaves, men will be knaves.

I've lived in Los Angeles for at least 24 years.

Pick a sin we can both live with, is what I ask.

You can't let facts get in the way of the truth.

Paul Cummins is a genius. He's a true visionary.

Palestine has a very strong nonviolent movement.

If you think research is expensive, try disease!

Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens.

Arrest me for sitting on a bus? You may do that.

Muffle your rage. Get smart instead of muscular.

Nothing is more important than a good education.

Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system

The denial of racism is a form of racism itself.

Voter confidence depends on the clean elections.

Choosing safety is a choice of life over career.

Abortionists are not the enemy. Our enemy is sin.

You save your soul by saving someone else's body.

Only the strong go crazy. The weak just go along.

I wish I could shut up, but I can't, and I won't.

One day we'll wake up and discover we are family.

The science of life is changing hearts and minds.

Eating meat is primitive, barbaric, and arrogant.

Even painless research is fascism, supremacism...

Fear is an effective factor in altering behavior.

God doesn't make orange juice, God makes oranges.

Marriage, like death, is a debt we owe to nature.

A bald man driving a hybrid is a very sexy thing.

We each begin in innocence. We all become guilty.

The oceans are the last free place on the planet.

Laws that oppress people have no moral authority.

The GNU GPL was not designed to be "open source".

It is better to protest than to accept injustice.

All I was doing was trying to get home from work.

Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system.

Feminists have confused opportunity with outcome.

Christ came to take away our sins, not our minds.

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