Happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from ...

Happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors.

You're an entropic chaos factor

Love is the X-factor in healing!

Reading have got the good factor.

Concentration attracts luck factor.

Yeah, snakes. They're my fear factor.

I have a love factor with the minorities.

Age is not the determining factor in health.

Weight isn't a factor in nutritional health.

Anything that is unexpected is the X-factor.

PRE-EXISTENCE, n. An unnoted factor in creation.

The fear factor actually brings the genuineness.

Every field has its pressures and stress factors.

Fear is an effective factor in altering behavior.

A lot of factors go into the longevity of a show.

The common factor of all religions is nonviolence.

The primary factor in a successful attack is speed.

Drugs have played no significant factor in my life.

Don't push growth; remove the factors limiting growth.

I'm proud to be involved with Simon Cowell and 'X Factor.

The breadth of the potential readership is also a factor.

We are the decisive factor in the affairs of the universe.

In all my works, light is an important controlling factor.

Just don't let the human factor fail to be a factor at all

Anything that disturbs your comfort factor is good for you.

But I'm also a vegetarian so there's another factor I guess.

There are so many factors to lead to a child becoming obese.

Inflation in Russia is primarily related to internal factors.

Our mental attitude is the x factor that determines our fate.

There's multitudes of factors of why a kick can go in or not.

I never rated my cuddle factor, but I expect it's pretty low.

Education has really only one basic factor: one must want it.

A lot of factors go into choosing a vice-presidential nominee.

I can't worry about external factors, I have to focus on myself.

Many of the underlying factors in poor mental health are societal.

I never know what is going to have that 'X' factor and what isn't.

Hope is not a strategy. Luck is not a factor. Fear is not an option.

You can distill deterrence down to two factors: capability and will.

We think there are lifestyle factors that boost telomerase naturally.

Uncertainty causes more anxiety than perhaps any other single factor.

Motivation is the single most important factor in any sort of success.

A lot of different factors go into making your performance a good one.

Money is not a motivating factor. I do what comes to me at that moment.

Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.

Timing and arrogance are decisive factors in the successful use of talent.

Greece's debt is going to be a function of a lot of factors down the road.

I put a lot of pressure on myself, but I also have what I call an X-factor.

The beauty of the environment is an important factor in the quality of life.

My block was due to two overlapping factors: laziness and lack of discipline.

One of the factors that has helped me to reach 100 games was not to lose hope.

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