For me, open source is a moral thing.

Open-source is a means of production.

The GNU GPL was not designed to be "open source".

I have really become a huge believer in the power of open source.

In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny.

All of our code is open source, so it can be used for other projects.

The power of Open Source is the power of the people. The people rule.

Companies have been trying to figure out what it is that makes open source work.

I want to put culture on a track so that it becomes more inclusive, more open source.

Open source can propagate to fill all the nooks and crannies that people want it to fill.

The name Firefox is not part of the open source licence, and that's why it's important to us.

The free sharing and teaching of open source is incompatible with the notion of the solitary genius.

We have a very active testing community which people don't often think about when you have open source.

Basically, if reverse engineering is banned, then a lot of the open source community is doomed to fail.

Google is committed to open source and open APIs, and part of that is creating a partner-friendly place.

In true open source development, there's lots of visibility all the way through the development process.

What is al Qaeda? It's an open source religious political movement that works off the global supply chain.

I think, fundamentally, open source does tend to be more stable software. It's the right way to do things.

In open source, we feel strongly that to really do something well, you have to get a lot of people involved.

For the first time, open source, peer-to-peer protocol developers can monetize their project on a protocol level.

It's amazing what you can get on open source now if you actually use the right search engines to find the material.

The strategic marketing paradigm of Open Source is a massively-parallel drunkard's walk filtered by a Darwinistic process.

With TensorFlow, when we started to develop it, we kind of looked at ourselves and said: 'Hey, maybe we should open source this.'

The accomplishment of open source is that it is the back end of the web, the invisible part, the part that you don't see as a user.

I think the way IBM has embraced the open source philosophy has been quite astonishing, but gratifying. I hope they'll do very well with it.

What's kept Java from being used as widely as possible is there hasn't been an Open Source implementation of it that's gotten really widespread use.

Open platforms historically undergo a lot of scrutiny, but there are a lot of advantages to having an open source platform from a security standpoint.

The more money Automattic makes, the more we invest into Free and Open Source software that belongs to everybody and services to make that software sing.

Certainly there's a phenomenon around open source. You know free software will be a vibrant area. There will be a lot of neat things that get done there.

When I first got into technology I didn't really understand what open source was. Once I started writing software, I realized how important this would be.

Android phones in China are more 'Android open source' rather than Android in the way we are all used to here. So a lot of phones don't have Google Play, etc.

In the world of digital currencies, the social network around open source projects has become a critical test bed for ideas, products, services, and early users.

Intellectual property is an important legal and cultural issue. Society as a whole has complex issues to face here: private ownership vs. open source, and so on.

The open source nature of the Internet is both a blessing and a curse, because just as much as we can watch what's happening around the world, we can also be watched.

Many people think that open source projects are sort of chaotic and and anarchistic. They think that developers randomly throw code at the code base and see what sticks.

Empowerment of individuals is a key part of what makes open source work, since in the end, innovations tend to come from small groups, not from large, structured efforts.

In open source, you really have to be near the watershed to have an impact on the source code. Customers want to be near the key contributors to the code, not a level removed.

It seems like the web, particularly software as a service, provides ample opportunities for you to flourish economically, completely aligned with the broader open source community.

I won't sit here and say an Open Source project will do things faster than a closed source, but one of the reasons why is that it sits on a whole lot of things that came before it.

If you are in this business long enough, you hear about a thousand things that are going to kill you. Open source? Yeah, we are not dead yet. Cloud? That's not new; it's a new name.

Huge open source organizations like Red Hat and Mozilla manage the collaboration of hundreds of people who don't know one another and have spent no time hanging around the water cooler.

If you think of the ideas of open source applied to information in an encyclopedia, you get to Wikipedia - lots and lots of small contributions that bubble up to something that's meaningful.

The Internet browser is the most susceptible to viruses. The browser is naive about downloading and executing software. Google is trying to help by releasing the Chrome browser as open source.

The question of trademark is pretty unsettled in the open source world. The trademark is important in a consumer product, but there are a few groups who feel it's a restriction they can't live with.

We do care about control and privacy. It's one of the reasons we are so focused on having our systems be open source, so you or someone technically savvy you know can verify what the software is doing.

If you want to build an open source project, you can't let your ego stand in the way. You can't rewrite everybody's patches, you can't second-guess everybody, and you have to give people equal control.

Open source production has shown us that world-class software, like Linux and Mozilla, can be created with neither the bureaucratic structure of the firm nor the incentives of the marketplace as we've known them.

The thing I think is often misunderstood about Ripple is people say, 'Oh, Ripple is a centralized platform.' To me, this is a legacy perspective. Ripple's technology, IRP, is open source; XRP Ledger is open source.

Users and entrepreneurs building new business models off the blockchain means that there are competing interests on how best to scale the network. Linux, also an open source software project, had similar growing pains.

When my co-founder and I first had the idea for IronPort, an email security company, we triangulated a list of the 20 most relevant people in email - former CEOs, open source technologists, investors and thought leaders.

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